
Tell me that's not the most badass sea-foam green American Strat Plus you've ever seen. You can't. Note the lace sensors, set against the white pickguard. The maple neck is a nice touch as well. You may notice a very heavy gauge bottom E string, perfect for stoner/sludge/drone metal.
If anyone tells you sea-foam green can't rock out, you tell them I said to go fuck themselves.

This is the monster I play through. It's not very large, but it will eff you up. Kind of like a badger or the smaller apes. Right now it needs some work done, but after it's repaired it will shake down my entire apartment building and make all my neighbors pray for my death, which is certainly metal enough for me. Also, being a fifties Ampeg reissue, there's an accordian jack in case I met an accordian player. Good to be prepared, I guess.
Wadda ya got, Barbelith. I'm calling you out. |