Has any one seen this?
I caught it in D.C. on Spring Break and thought it was fantastic.
It belongs firmly to the Usual Suspects/Snatch genre of ultra-elaborate stylized crime pictures.
In follows the story of two hit-men vacationing in Belgium
after a mission went seriously wrong. While waiting for a damage assessment from their employer, the tour the city of Bruges and taking in art and tourist attractions. I don't want to give spoilers, but the film ends up involving midgets, racism, dead children, rude Americans, drugs, and Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights."
I liked it a lot. While I think it has more of lineage in the Usual Suspects style of film making, it reminded me a great deal Shinya Tsukamoto's (Tetsuo: The Iron Man) film Bullet Ballet (which I recommend) in terms of its often absurd humor and and its take on the relationships of the characters.
Unlike films of a Usual Suspects' kind, it has some out-right emotionalism and character development.
I can't, however, figure out if the topics and the stylistic chooses form together something more coherent and structurally illuminating or were just random reference for humor or something deeper.
Collin Ferrell is really great in the humorous moments of the film (he suffers in some of the more dramatic moments). Brendon Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes (who makes a surprise appearance and steals the show) are both fantastic.
Still I definitely recommend it.
Best Line of the film:
"This is for John Lennon!" |