My intent, such as it was, was to begin a potentially fun, collaborative art project. If I'd wanted to do down the Tligit, Kwakiutl, Haida, or any other First Nations community, I very much doubt that this would have been the method I chose, or indeed the place in which I would have done it.
By the by, id, I wasn't saying that that "art" is a concept only known to white people, merely that the Western notion of an 'artwork' is somewhat reductive when applied to the objects under discussion, given that their meaning for and use by the communities they are rooted in is somewhat different from, say, that of the Mona Lisa, or a Jackson Pollock. Note that nowhere do I say that a totem pole is to any degree less valuable (on any index) than an artifact in MOMA etc.
Like Stoatie, I wasn't aware that 'whooping' connotes savagery. To me, it's a Famous Five, Just William, Dennis the Menace word, connoting gleefulness.
Finally, at least the left pupil of the Face Jug (indeed if that is what it is) is black, and the iris blue. There are, of course, black people with blue irises, but I'm not convinced that anybody wishing to make a racist image of a black person would, of all the colours available to them, pick blue for their peepers.
Looking forward to you collaring me for the racist implications of choosing a Wampa for my pole... I'd be careful, if I was you, of bandying around words like detournement... your use of if does rather smack of somebody who is completing an MA dissertation, and heading for a rather average pass grade. |