That was an interesting play by Kevin, I thought, the way he behaved when he arrived back in the house, post boardroom. 'Boo-yakka' and so on. 'I ground Ian into the dirt' or whatever it was.
How are the other (I was going to say 'candidates', but increasingly 'housemates' feels more like it) supposed to react to that? A)that Kevin's a hardcore operator who's not to be tangled with in front of Alan, or b)that he's an untrustworthy loose cannon who's best put as far away from the project manager as possible in future tasks, ideally somewhere he can be hung out to dry?
Fair enough, they're all in it to win it, but a certain amount of team spirit's required, at least in the early stages.
I did feel for Ian though, on 'You're Fired'. He'd already had the good grace to apologise to his team for clowning up in the show proper (it doesn't happen that often) and he seemed prepared to laugh at himself about his hair. There seemed to be a human being in there somewhere, so it can't have been easy for him to sit still for the short lecture, delivered in fluent, quasi-business bullshit, by his father, of all people, on national television.
I'd be willing to bet Ian applied to the show in the first place in the vain hope he'd be out of touch with Dad for a bit.
He can't have learned very much from the old bugger, after all - Jamie Oliver grew up in a pub too, and it's hard not to feel he'd have made a better fist of that task anyway, at the same age.
Anyway at this stage, I'm guessing Jennifer to win. She evaporates when there's any trouble, but when there's kudos to be had (as with the menus this time) she's right there.
In a suitably demure way. Unless Alan feels like he can break Raef (who wouldn't take the job in any case) and unless Simon, by some as yet unforseen set of circumstances, doesn't let the light and the space put a zap on his head, Jennifer seems like this year's Apprentice. Gold help her immortal soul. |