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Resolution Exchange: 2008

18:19 / 03.01.08
This is just a thought that occurred to me today while at work, but; New Year's Resolutions suck. They really do. This is, of course, unless your willpower is of Iron and/or you are a (wo)man.

So, I was thinking, what if you were to exchange a resolution with someone else?

Then what if you were asked to keep track of it over the year, and give occasional reportage of your activities and progress?

And what if you were, by accepting a Resolution idea from someone else, allowed to chip in your own to the Pot, to be handed on to someone else?

So here's my proposal.

I) If you want to be in, say so here, in the manner of the CD threads.

II) Once you have decided you want to be in, devote some thought to a resolution you would be happy passing on to someone else. Hence:

Caveats - a) The resolution must, therefore, be something not only safe, legal and (relatively) sensible, and, above all else, something you would be willing to do yourself; b) it must not involve massive financial expense, and c) It would be preferable if it were creative, interesting, and fun, while possibly, although not necessarily, allowing for Heartwarming Life Lessons.

III) Once you have thought of the resolution, submit it to the Pot. I'm quite happy to maintain a Pot that looks remarkably like a word document.

Once everyone - if anyone gets involved, that is, and I'm not just having some sort of CRAFT moment, but we will not speak of this now and will remain optimistic - has declared their involvement and submitted a resolution, I can hand out redirected resolutions randomly, either in-thread or by PM.

For this reason, it will obviously help if an even number of people sign up, but an odd number can obviously be accommadated.

IV) Once you have your resolution, find a way of keeping track of it and your progress, and over the year to come report back as and when you feel like it, without necessarily revealing what the resolution was.

There may also be quarterly checks. It's not a strict thing, obviously, and people can drop out as and when dependent on Real Life (tm) commitments, but there's (just under) a year till 2009 now, so speculatively plenty of time.

V) At the end of the year, there will be discussion and, hopefully, much rejoicing.

Obviously, none of this is legal, and is intended as both fun and a catalyst for anyone who wants something different in their lives for the next three-hundred and sixty-three days... But, that said, anyone up for it?
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
21:48 / 06.01.08
there's a similar post in Temple...

Resolve to write with your non-dominant hand.
jentacular dreams
14:32 / 07.01.08
Whoa, my handwriting is bad enough already.

I have a couple of resolutions I'm hoping to achieve this year, but will happily offer one of them up in exchange for another?

1) Learn to recognise a load of constellations (sadly light polution in my current location rarely gives me the opportunity to spot any of the dimmer ones).

2) Learn 50 new words in sign language (one a week).

let the haggling begin!
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
05:32 / 08.01.08
the sun enters the constellation Aries sometime in April. Astronomers place it at April 19th, but people in India celebrate it Apr 13, 14, 15. that might be a good starting point.

I'll throw

* teach yourself to play a musical instrument
* learn a new language
* dance more
* discover a non-competitive physical activity, and do it
* remove meat, dairy, soy, wheat & refined foods from your diet for xxx days/weeks/months.
* take up a martial art
* dance some more
* spend xxx days/weeks/months without tv/phone/computer
* learn a party trick

anything else come to mind?
Evil Scientist
06:39 / 08.01.08
Well I'm quitting tha'drink until I go out to Oz for my brother's wedding but I could probably stand to do something else a little non-standard.

Hit me with the resolution stick someone.
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
17:16 / 08.01.08
if you quit drinking before you get to Oz, you'll definitely be challenged to start up again once you're there.

here's one:

learn to communicate with a living thing that isn't your species.
17:23 / 08.01.08
I work in a call centre, I regularly communicate with people who are not of my species.
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
02:24 / 09.01.08
but are they living???
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
04:56 / 09.01.08
here's one up for grabs:

learn 1 card trick (prestidigitation), 1 coin trick, 1 kerchief trick.
Evil Scientist
05:23 / 09.01.08
learn to communicate with a living thing that isn't your species.

I already do that with the Parentals' dog.

I am teh dog whisperer!
Evil Scientist
05:25 / 09.01.08
I'll take that presdigitation one though. I need to improve my legerdemein.
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
20:57 / 09.01.08
create your personal "brand," make it into stickers & adhere anywhere you travel.
17:08 / 15.01.08
Ho-kay... Sorry for starting the thread and seemingly wandering off, it wasn't intentional, I promise.

there's a similar post in Temple...

Sorry 'bout that. I didn't realise.

Anyway, thank you all for contributing, and I figure there is enough here for anybody to work on, dipping in and out.

(I also need to improve my scanty legerdemain, also, so thanks for that!)
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