Yes, well, what we have to remember here is that Hugo Williams is a dribbling old fool, a social incontinent whose best poetic efforts feature a) everybody who has had sex the night before having a red light over their head and b) fantasising about a young women pissing on his face as she uses a British Rail toilet. His tiresome obsession with younger women (excused at least in part by the scarcity of *older* ones) is matched only by the awe-inspiring self-indulgence of his writing.
All of which is utterly irrelevant to the question at hand, but is probably worth saying. Hey, he just really irritates me. Although I would humbly suggest that the case for the "literary" status of Sappho's epithalamia is not entirely watertight.
But this is not relevant to the inquiry - female poets (and correct me if I'm wrong, opalfruit, but wasn't Semonides a man, man?). Has anyone suggested Kathy Acker? I'm not sure if she counts as a poet, strictly speaking, but... |