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CD Mix January 08 - Soundtrack to an Adventure


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20:24 / 10.12.07
I'm feeling inspired...

2 CDs
1 - Heading Out
2 - Coming Home

I'm thinking of a pair of CDs that, together, encapsualte the joy and excitement of setting off on a new adventure, be it a trip or a project, and the contentment of completion.

Heading Out;
Songs that inspire you to start projects you love. Songs that fill you with joy and feel like the excitement of exploring new places (artistic/creative or physical, new realms of thought or new people).

The joy of discovery and the thrill that keeps you running well past bedtime.

Coming Home;
Songs that remind you of cosy journeys home, after an amazing day. Songs which you can sit back and look over your memories, scrapbook or finished project to. That moment of contentment when you know the day was perfect and everything in the world is right.

Watching the stars on a crisp night with a sense of completion and the first cup of much-desired-tea* after a good trip, content.

So, who wants to join me?
My thought is, if I get tracks in by the first week of January you cna have CDs before the month is done... hence the early call.

*Or cocoa, or whatever it is you consume that settles you when you get in from a long, exciting journey. I'm English, clearly.
21:08 / 10.12.07
Me, in, please?
21:31 / 10.12.07
i'd like in. i've already submitted to 3 of the monthly mixes, so if you have too many submitters i'll certainly recuse myself on behalf of anyone that's gotten less mix-space.
22:26 / 10.12.07


In is good... I'll see how many people there are and keep a reserve list, but I'm sure there'll be space, we can normally fit about, what? 15 - 17 tracks per disk? Willingness to offer your place to those less represented is duly noted though.
07:04 / 11.12.07
I'd like to be in, but will happily bow out if others who haven't done one of these wish to be involved.
14:11 / 11.12.07
i'd like in. i've already submitted to 3 of the monthly mixes, so if you have too many submitters i'll certainly recuse myself on behalf of anyone that's gotten less mix-space.


I should really put one of these together....
14:15 / 11.12.07
Yeah, I think I've been on pretty much all of them, so give someone else priority, but if there's a space I'd like to be in.
17:01 / 11.12.07
ditto, ditto ditto, ditto.
17:38 / 11.12.07
I'm noticing a theme... Has there ever not been space before?

Glad to have you all on board! If you have tracks in mind please let me know, I will then pm my email address to people as you tell me your choices and eagerly await the arrival of music!

The sooner I have tracks in the more likely this reaches you in January... *tempt tempt*
Mike Modular
17:39 / 11.12.07
Um, yes, I echo the sentiments of the last four posts...
Mike Modular
19:58 / 11.12.07
The last four before the last one before mine, that is... True, there's never not been space yet. I am fully in then!
rizla mission
10:47 / 12.12.07
i was really lame about getting my tracks sent off for the last one of these CDs, and I've been on almost all of 'em, so I shouldn;t really sign up for another one, but I like the theme a lot, so.... yeah, WHY NOT. Assuming there are still places.
14:18 / 12.12.07
There is mucho space... with you we have 8, and we can probably fit twice that many.

If you want, rizla, you can set your deadline to Xmas, instead of New Years? Then you can afford to be a little late
Ridiculous Man
21:09 / 12.12.07
I'd like to be included.
22:39 / 13.12.07
And so you will be...
Ridiculous Man
19:32 / 15.12.07
23:25 / 15.12.07
If you can fit me in, I'd be delighted to contribute.
15:12 / 28.12.07
That'd be lovely Talas. And the mix is still open for a few more people...

I apologise for not posting anything recently, I've been mostly offline and swamped by xmas, as, I'm sure, has everyone... although a couple of people have already been in touch...

So, I'd ideally like tracks in by January 1st (although there is a little time between then and when I plan to burn the disks, but that is hopefully for organisational purposes).

If you really can't decide between two tracks, send both in (I'll pm everyone my email address now, even if I haven't heard from you yet, so you have it) and I will endeavor to choose.

Looking forward to hearing the tracks flood in!
16:14 / 28.12.07
Oops. I'm an idiot.

I pmed everyone a false email address... I shall fix that now. Sorry.
18:27 / 28.12.07
Is there still room?
18:40 / 30.12.07
Most definitely, I'll pm you my email now.
13:38 / 31.12.07
Calling all contributers!

I have had actual tracks from one person so far... and the deadline is tomorrow!

Is everyone who said they wanted to, still joining in? A quick PM just to let me know whats happening would be great.

Oh, and; Happy New Year's Eve!
19:04 / 06.01.08
I have 7 Heading Out Tracks, and 5 Coming Home (with two more, I am assured, on their way).

So... what say you, people of the internet silence? I haven't heard from 4 people at the minute... which I think is pretty good going, for this time in the month.
19:11 / 06.01.08
Oh, and I forgot to mention, if anyone has secondary tracks they'd like to see on this mix, I do have space for a few more so if you send them to me before I burn the CDs I'll fit in as many as I can after the first choices. (Still themed for the 2 CDs of course).
20:32 / 10.01.08
Calling Ridiculous Man!!! Hello?!!!

You are the only person I have not heard from at all... any chance of remedying that?

Thank you.

Also, happy thoughts for everyone, I'm busily working out a preliminary order for the tracks. I enjoy.
13:23 / 15.01.08
If I haven't heard anything from Ridiculous Man by the end of the week I shall burn disks without them, as I haven't heard from them since they posted in-thread asking to join in.

So, Ridiculous Man, if you still want to play I need tracks by Friday, the deadline was two weeks ago and you haven't spoken to me, so I assume you don't want to (or can't) play.

This WILL be out in the month its named for! *crosses fingers*
16:03 / 15.01.08
yay for Haloquin!
Ridiculous Man
22:10 / 15.01.08
Many apologies! I've been away from the internet for some time and the whole thing slipped my mind. My submissions have been hastily posted to Haloquin's email today. Sorry again for holding up the project!
11:39 / 16.01.08

We have all tracks in! (Thanks RM)

Burning to commence this week...
22:41 / 16.01.08
12:43 / 22.01.08
Update; I did start setting fire to the disks on Friday. Pacific told me this was wrong and explained about Cd-writers.

Unfortunately my laptop refuses to talk to the CD writer so I'm waiting for an opportunity to hi-jack Pacific's Computer. The tracks are all organised and prepared as a Nero 'project', they just need burning.

I am determined. There will be an adventure. And it will be in January.
22:38 / 22.01.08
Good news!

I have all of the Heading Out CDs burnt, and tomorrow I plan to burn all the Coming Home disks.

One problem, most people haven't given me an address to post them to. Please can everyone pm me your address? I will check my emails and glean the few I was sent from there, but its probably worth pming me your address even if you emailed it to me as my inbox is currently a mess and I may miss it.

Thank you.
15:14 / 29.01.08

All disks are burnt and posted. I repeat: all disks are burnt and posted.

Except one pair, I stole all your addresses from Pacifics notes on the November mix, but neither of us have an address for XK. Calling XK?

So, yes, UK 'lithers should have it tomorrow or Thurs, those of you across the water will be a little behind I'm afraid. Sorry.

19:13 / 29.01.08
Much of a coolness. Thanks, Haloquin!
Mike Modular
22:15 / 30.01.08
Mine are here! I will listen presently...

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