Anyone seen this? Attracted by the cover from The Mighty Allred, I picked it up for £20 while browsing the racks for other things yesterday and it's bloody good. Basically it's a colourful, frenzied grab-bag of comic work from creators both well-known and obscure mashed together into the one fantastic package.
There's no unifying theme to any of the works, which swing wildly in tone and art style from story to story, other than being top-quality work from writers and artists doing their own thing and having an absolute ball doing it.
Favourites off the top of my head at the moment are THIS IS SUPERTRON by Sheldon Vella, a hilarious story about a bust-up between teenage robots in the park. Art that's as chunky yet stretchy as a Wham Bar, that pinballs explosively around the page, dressed in a pallette of yellows, reds pinks and blacks. Obviously the work of a proper cartoonist, singular and unique in it's concept and execution. The robot head at the bottom of the above cover, and the pink cat-thing to the bottom right are Allred's take on this comic.
The other I can think of is ELLIE SAVES THE WORLD. On the surface it's a fairly well-worn Buffyish concept. Superpowered teenage girl, a bit of a freak to her classmates, lives double life as an obscenely powerful superhero, and is employed by the government to take out other, unregistered rogue supers. It's got art that puts me in the mind of Takeshi Miyazawa (of Spider-Man loves Mary Jane fame) with a distinctly more anarchic, cartoonish edge. It's the characterisation and dialogue that seal this one for me though, which is irreverent, natural and very funny. It's also one of the most impressively substantial of the works here, at about 28 pages.
All in all it's an excellent and inspiring package and there's at least something in here to spark the brain of anyone.
Go on. Tell me someone else has picked this up. |