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23:11 / 20.11.07
Just looking for tips really either those to do with formatting of the script or anything bloody else.
I have an idea but no exact narrative arc to it and I'm experiencing brain death as to what I should do. I'm more prone to making a more visual film than being heavily reliant on dialogue and I'm not really sure how to realise that in script form.
It's all very vague and unformulated.
Essential Dazzler
11:14 / 21.11.07
Who are you writing it for?

Is the plan to eventually start sending scripts out to production companies, or is it a purely personal thing?

I'm slap bang in the middle of my second Screenwriting module at Uni, and plan to take it on to my dissertation, so I have books I can reccomend, and excerpts/lecturenotes/summaries I can forward on.I can't promise I'll be a lot of help, however.

The best way to get the formatting right is to use a program like Final Draft, which has a almost fully functional demo over here, I love it to bits.
13:19 / 21.11.07
Thanks, Pacific.
Well, I'm also doing a scriptwriting module as part of a university course but I'm less than impressed with the lecturer and, thus far, I haven't really taken away any useful information regarding scriptwriting (or anything else) at all. (Which is causing me quite a bit of concern and has really sapped my energy for something originally I was quite excited about). I'll definitely look into the Final Cut Demo, though.
Lama glama
18:36 / 21.11.07
There's a free script-format application called Celtx that a friend of mine uses to write stage scripts. As far as I know it has television script writing formats too. Hope it's of some help.
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