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A lateshift opens, like a pod birthing seeds into the air


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This Sunday
03:06 / 25.10.07
I'm just digging into some Union Jack mini, which has been gifted to me, as a hospital didn't want comics, only magazines. It's more fun than I'd thought it would be, and the Israel/Saudi microcosm of Sabra and Arabian Knight is a cute hamhanded idea. And it wouldn't be the Marvel U's Britain without a liberal dosing of 'chippie' and 'crikey' despite the fact I can't believe real people use the terms with any regularity.

And re-acquainting myself with P-Funk goodness. Mothership Connection really has aged well.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:15 / 25.10.07
Mothership Connection? Should I go in search?
Saint Keggers
03:18 / 25.10.07
Strange, I misread that as 'should I go to church?'

Hell DN, Papers.
Saint Keggers
03:18 / 25.10.07

forgot the O
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:21 / 25.10.07
I don't think I'd ever ask about church. Unless I was playing chicken with the concept of spontaneous combustion.
This Sunday
03:22 / 25.10.07
Have you never heard Parliament's Mothership Connection? You've heard bits and pieces or samples, for sure.

Check out the link and see if it looks to be your thing. Then, yeah, go out in search. Beg, borrow, download or steal or beat stand outside someone's apartment while they blast the album with a window open.

One of the top albums of 1975 certainly.
This Sunday
03:25 / 25.10.07
Heya, Venger. How's by you?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:26 / 25.10.07
Downloading now.

I may try to write something out of it, I think. I need to accomplish some writing, I hate this crappy block shit.
Saint Keggers
03:29 / 25.10.07
Good. Even better now that I have P-Funk running through my nogging.

I wish I had a decent set of speakers to play it on.

This Sunday
03:32 / 25.10.07
I'm kinda pleased with myself for going from more than mildly drunk to throwing out ideas and choreography on the TV-like thing (I need to start treating that phrase un-facetiously) like mad. The animators can't do it. The celebrity comedians? Producers and post-production people? Just me. Trying not to slur my typing and glad nobody can see you wobble over the interweb.

If there hadn't been a deadline I probably couldn't have come up with anything.
This Sunday
03:34 / 25.10.07
And the end result was still funny to me when I was sober this afternoon, so all the better.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:43 / 25.10.07
Kay, we have achieved P-Funk. P-Funk and the wicked new CASANOVA. Plus a little Pavement and Joey Ramone.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:44 / 25.10.07
It's been a weird day. I left the Margaret Atwood Boarding House this morning to get comics and there was a stag in the front yard. Like, Bambi's Dad. He looked at me, I looked at him, he looked at me. This went on for about ten minutes.
Saint Keggers
03:46 / 25.10.07
Right now Im achieving Bowie. Ya cant go wrong with Bowie. I shoulld be achieving drawing,considering its due on the weekend. But its killing me. So no. No art for Venger.
Saint Keggers
03:47 / 25.10.07
There's a Margaret Atwood Boarding house? Strange. I didnt realize she needed to be boarded.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
04:21 / 25.10.07
When I moved in this apartment, a friend of mine said the house reminded her of a particular Margaret Atwood story with this odd little landlady in it and a house very similar to this one. So she named it the Margaret Atwood Boarding House.
This Sunday
04:29 / 25.10.07
I want a cute story like that for this building! I am so deprived of cute in-jokey stories. (I'm not actually, but it sounds/reads good.)
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
04:47 / 25.10.07
The last place was called the Elusive Number Six, a townhouse which was named for the townhouse my two spy characters -- Johnny Damocles & Teiresias Jones -- lounged about in between international escapades. And of course there was the period we lived at Green Street, which was, er, on Green Street and filled with mythic potency due to the sheer volume of crazy antics at the time.

Today's fun combination of songs: Sexy Results (Death from Above) / Vaseline (Elastica) / Erection (The Faint) / Orgasm Addict (The Buzzcocks).
This Sunday
05:13 / 25.10.07
Now that's a playlist. Though I would reposition Sexy Results to right before Orgasm Addict for narrative purposes.

Cute comics-related story with that Buzzcocks' song: somebody, back in the days of yore had a gag online about Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom teaching Rahne Sinclaire that song. May have actually been Ellis. And so, every time I hear the song, I get an immediate visual of just that.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:16 / 25.10.07
Song repositioned and "Get Me Off" (Basement Jaxx) added to open it. Now to load it up...
This Sunday
05:21 / 25.10.07
Nicely done.

And rest happily tonight knowing you've infected my brain with Mogo/Solaris erotica. Naughty poses and everything.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:22 / 25.10.07
Emerald Green Energy Construct Planet-sized body condoms.
This Sunday
05:33 / 25.10.07
What's interesting to me is that you aren't even the first person to suggest pairing them off. Or, so says the internet.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:42 / 25.10.07
I don't know...Mogo and Ego, the Living Planet seem like a more obvious mix.

Or, to be timely, a Mogo/Ranx the Sentient City S&M thing.
This Sunday
05:48 / 25.10.07
Mogo and Ego would probably be too close to homosexual, literally, for many a fanboy.

Which would explain why I've never heard Ranx/Danny citysex approached before. Guest-starring a very special member or three from the Authority!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:50 / 25.10.07
Mogo and Ego would probably be too close to homosexual, literally, for many a fanboy.

Well, it would be slash fiction...
This Sunday
06:03 / 25.10.07
So Ego just has to bleed a little and angst a lot, right? I always forget there are rules to these things.

Must be why I could never write fanfiction.

Anyhow, did the hotel ape-sexy mystery ever go anywhere or wrap up?

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