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The Barbelith Quilt Collective.

19:16 / 07.10.07
I've had this idea for ages, and I want to see if it would work out. Basically, it's a bit like postcardx or the Barbelith Dance card. But with patches for a quilt instead. Eventually we all have enough interesting patches to make a quilt or a coat or an elaborate hat or whatever.

Anyone who is interested, put your name here and I will put it on a list. Using the magic of a hat, I will randomly assign everyone a poster for whom they must create a "granny square" or equivalent in whatever their discipline is. I will also set a theme for the creations. Everyone will create their mini masterpiece and mail it by a set date.

Once everyone has sent there shit, I reassign everyone to a new poster and the next person down the list sets a theme. I'll stay in charge of arranging things and taking people on/off the list. Anyone who regular fails to deliver will come off the list (unless there are circumstances). People can also come off the list if they have enough pieces or are bored.

I would probably suggest that all pieces are, if not square, then at
least rectangular. And I'd suggest that all pieces are flat on at least one side too. Beyond that, go wild.

Am I missing anything? Are people interested in this project? Does everyone understand and am I excluding anyone who would want in?
19:47 / 07.10.07
Do you want to specify dimensions?
19:53 / 07.10.07
Originally I did, but I think that might be hard what with people all working with different wool and different stitches. And, would setting people all to one size be too much of a pain?

I suppose it might. How's about we say 10cm x 10cm with 50mm spare either way? And if people want it to do bigger or a different shape, they have to fit it into the space that several of those blocks would take. Does that sound okay to everyone?
20:04 / 07.10.07
I'm interested but have never done quilting before... can I add my inexpert hand?

Very nice idea btw.
20:08 / 07.10.07
Well, it's basically just a matter of sticking all the little bits together. The easiest way is probably just sewing them together with a big needle and some wool. But there are other ways. This can aslo be the thread for swapping advice/ideas/questions.

And thanks.
11:49 / 08.10.07
I'm in. One knitted square, for the use of.
12:34 / 08.10.07
So that's a definite three. Anyone else interested? And is everyone fine with the suggested dimensions?

Do people even want dimensions? It might be a bit more exciting if we just let people send completely random quadrilaterals to each other.
Might be harder to co-ordinate the pieces afterwards though. Personally, I'm happy with completely amorphous blanketry, but some people are a bit more reserved.

And, important question, how regular do people want to make this? Can you knit one a month? A week? A day? What sort of timescale do people want on this?
15:01 / 08.10.07
what happens to the finished piece(s)?
15:06 / 08.10.07
It sounds as if the people who receive the squares keep them. But rather than make several pieces why not make one beautiful big quilt and let people choose their own theme for their square or squares? Then you could auction it off on ebay and give the money to a charity you all choose.

I think the problem with making several pieces is that eventually people will get bored, or drop out and the people on the end of the list might end up with only a few squares to put together.

I'd like to contribute to something like this, but I wouldn't want to keep repeat making different squares for ages. I'd much rather contribute to something with a purpose at the end, like a charity auction.
16:20 / 08.10.07
My first impression when I saw the thread title was that everyone who wanted to be involved would choose/make a piece of material and make it into certain sized squares and then each person on the list would somehow get a square, (perhaps we'd send them all to Princess with an extra envelope with postage already paid to send them on to the next person and Princess would co-ordinate the addresses or something) and then we'd each compile our own quilt from the squares.

This way sounds far more involved and fun... with fantastic masterpieces, but also potentially easily diffused, as Olulabelle points out. If we end up with only a few squares then it doesn't have to be a quilt but could be a wall hanging...

The auctioning idea sounds nice, and sounds more practical tbh, but we'd need a decent number of contributors, or several pieces each. Although I do like the idea of creating something together that we all get a piece of, like the Barbemixes.

Just some thoughts.
16:43 / 08.10.07
This is a list of charities that accept knitted items.

If we send it to oxfam then they auction off the blankets at festivals in the UK. I think they would earn more money like that than we would on ebay. Or we could just donate it to one of the charities that take quilts/knitted items as gifts for the people they support.

Ok, if people are moving towards one big quilt then I'll PM everyone who's interested my address. So long as no one minds letting me be in charge of joining the pieces together.

Just occured, if this is for someone else should we set some rules about the care recquirements for the materials? Or should we just assume people will handwash?

If people want to discuss which charity they'd like to send the blanket to, (or if people want to ebay and I am in fact wrong about the profit margin), then once we've got a consensus I'll send out my address.
17:06 / 08.10.07
I really like Lula's idea of a charity item. I'd be happy to make a number of squares if we don't have enough people to do one each. I'm cool with Peaceful being the wrangler so long as we get a online picture of the finished piece to gloat over?

I really like the idea of using this community to do collective charitable creative acts. Makes me feel smushy in the heart cavity.

My only concern is deadlines for this sort of project. This month is really busy for me so I would need to work on my squares next month. Would that be too late?
17:09 / 08.10.07
Well, if they are all being sent to me then it's not really such a biggy. People can just send me items and then, as soon as it's big enough for whatever size quilt we decide on I can send it on.

If there are any squares left we can either start a new quilt or else pass them on to someone who would make good use of them.
18:35 / 08.10.07
I'd love to send squares to you Geranium, I am sure you will sew them all together beautifully.

And I think assume hand wash. Or make a dinky little label.

The Barbelith Collective Quilt.
Hand wash only.
16:03 / 09.10.07
In this case, would it be best to have them all of the knitted variety, or does it not matter? Do we have any guidelines on what they need to be like? Do we need to aim for a vague consistency in size? Are we best off avoiding elaborately sewn pieces and aiming for practicallity and nice colours/textures, or is it ok to send in things with buttons, lace etc?

I'm in, as long as I've plenty of time to play, busy term ahead.
17:39 / 09.10.07
I think if everyone restricts themselves to angles of 90 degrees and lengths that are a multiple of 10, then I should be able to patch it all together.

Use only fabrics that can be washed by hand (no silk, no velvet) and nothing that will hurt, decay quickly or bleed.

Buttons and other insanity would probably be fine if we go for an adult charity, but if we are making blankets for babyies then that stuff probably constitutes a choking hazard.

Anyone else think of some guidelines that are important? Any preference for a charity yet?
20:46 / 11.10.07
Any preferences on a charity?
21:04 / 11.10.07
I suppose you either choose something wide ranging and global so everyone involved feels it's relevant or something very specific and particular to someone on the board or on the project.
21:08 / 23.10.07
I can contribute a crocheted square or two. I also support the donation to charity idea, so long as we get a good photo of the end product.

Is this going ahead?
16:49 / 25.10.07
just noticed this thread, and I've just finished going through my knitting basket. I'm definitely up for sending a few simple squares next month if it's not too late!
Van Plague?
02:41 / 14.12.08
I would be pleased to provide hand felted wool squares for this project if it is or becomes a Go! A theme or colour suggestions would be swell too. I would be willing to send quite a few squares or larger pieces that could be cut down to fit odd sized sections as well. It's a great idea. I wish I had noticed this earlier.
Van Plague?
22:58 / 07.02.09
I kill every thread I post to on teh Barb. :/
It's a shame since this is a really great idea.
23:53 / 07.02.09
Ooh, weird. I'm not normally on Barbelith anymore. But I thought I'd pop in and, hooray, I have offers of fabrics. I'm still up for it. If you want to know my address, just PM me. I can knit, crochet and and sew now, so the idea of putting all these pieces together frightens me less.
23:56 / 07.02.09
Oh, and no worries about size, colour or shape. I've finally progresses beyond squares in my crafting ability.

At the moment I'm thinking we could just put it on Etsy and send the proceeds off to a charity of choice? All this snow has got me thinking about homeless people, so I'm going to suggest Shelter?
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