In short: I'm working on a book themed around -- ehh, call it a parody of a 1970's kung-fu training pamphlet, the kind you used to buy from the backs of comic books. But there's more to it than just kung-fu.
This kind of ties in with a comic project I'm working on, so I can't really use "comicy" or "cartoony" art for it -- the art would invariably not mesh with the art in the comic, and that wouldn't work. The comic artist is up to his neck and can't take on more work.
Let's just say that cartoon and conventional comic-type drawings are out and move on from there.
So I'm left with a few choices:
1. Photographing human models, as humans, doing human things. It's cheap, it's attainable, but I'm not a gifted photographer and I don't have a studio with proper lighting, or anything more than a 3-megapixel digital camera. Plus then I'm into release forms and ... stuff.
2. Finding an artist who can draw stick figures -- real simple, almost AutoCAD, stick figures. I can't draw, but it's not impossible to imagine that I could find somebody who could (possibly even here).
3. Finding an artist who can draw "technical figures." I don't know how to describe this, but there's a certain school of art that looks like clip art from kung-fu and CPR how-to books circa 1976. Everyone has feathered hair and there's odd crosshatching around the oversized lapels. But it's a very hard look to pull off -- it's this weird sketchy sterility that would be utterly hilarious in this project but I don't know if it's realistic to do.
See "Get Your War On" for a general idea of the art style.
4. Set generic figures like Stikfas up in these poses and photograph them. This I have the technology and probably the photographic skill to do, but I don't know how poseable Stikfas are, really. Also not 100% sure of the legality of using photographs of Stikfas in something that I intend to publish.
I'm really not sure which option is best. I'm leaning towards Stikfas because it is the most controllable situation with the least dependence on outside parties, but I'm not sure if the Stikfas will do the job.
I'm not even sure what question I'm asking.
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