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National Novel Writing Month 2007


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20:41 / 04.10.07
4 years ago I found out about the National Novel Writing Month through this forum. I hereby return the favour.

Go there to sign up for the challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. (The site's pretty slow just now.)

Every year some folk from this forum generally have a go. Will you be one of them?
06:56 / 05.10.07
I have thought about this contest for the last few days, and have not decided, if I´ll participate again this year. The writing often was fun. But it was so frustrating to sit there, having overcome the urge to procrastinate and then not being able to think of what could happen next. The last few weeks I had some ideas for a setup, but don´t know how to spin it from there.

Maybe if more Barbeloids proclaim that they´ll do it, I´ll join, too. It´s more fun that way.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
07:09 / 05.10.07
I try every year. So I'll probably do it, but I'm not really a Barbeloid. More like a guy who passes through every once and again.
Happy Dave Has Left
07:16 / 05.10.07
I did it back in 2005 and managed to get a 75,000 word novel out of it, 50,000 words of which were written in 22 days during NaNoWriMo. It was quite an experience, and a massive motivator. I've yet to repeat the experience, but I'm toying with doing it again, though half of me thinks, having done it once, I should quit with the self-cheerleading marathons and just try to start writing regularly again.
07:51 / 05.10.07
If the Temple book is underway enough to allow the time I'm in- space opera methinks.
Jawsus-son Starship
08:07 / 05.10.07
I can do 2000 words a day. It will be 2000 words of pap, but I'll give it a go.

Anyone fancy doing one as a site?
10:19 / 09.10.07
I'm in for this year, though I'll have to hit my 2000-a-day remit in the slim 2 hour period between work and bed. Still, more productive than watching Robot Chicken on youtube.

I think the best option is for a Kerouacian 'free bop prosody' and an extraordinary amount of coffee. Storywise I shall plumb for a distinctly autobiographical plough through the mores of the commuter belt, with a sideline in psychomaina increasing, no doubt, as the deadline approaches.

The Ghost of Tom Winter
12:28 / 09.10.07
Storywise I shall plumb for a distinctly autobiographical plough through the mores of the commuter belt, with a sideline in psychomaina increasing, no doubt, as the deadline approaches.

That's exactly how mine turned out last year.
17:44 / 09.10.07
I'm trying it this year. I've worked out the plot and everything. It's a magic realist children's story about hoodoo, falling in love and family politics.

I'm intending to write out the entire plot, chapter by chapter, before November starts. Then I don't have to worry about the story, I just have to worry about wordcount. I'm also intending to have a full wodge of research done too. My blue folder of hoodoofallinginloveandfamilypolitics research has recently been birthed and I'm filling it all the time.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
23:45 / 09.10.07
That's a brilliant idea Peaceful Geranium. Everyone always says don't plan anything before hand but I always get so caught up in intricacies of stories that I lose sight of my goal. Having that blueprint to work from is great to get the ball rolling. I'll probably have to steal your model.
Alex's Grandma
05:14 / 10.10.07
I'm intending to write out the entire plot, chapter by chapter, before November starts. Then I don't have to worry about the story, I just have to worry about wordcount.

It's maybe not strictly in the spirit of Nanowrimo, but this does seem like a plan.

I shudder to think what it's going to be about, though.
Liger Null
22:43 / 30.10.07
I'm in again this year, I've got an idea or two. Hopefully it will be a success (wordcountwise, anyway) like 2005 and not a miserable failure like 2006.
Glenn Close But No Cigar
00:39 / 31.10.07
I'm up for it, if only to experience what abject failure really feels like (outside, that it, my cachet on the board...)
14:29 / 31.10.07
Last year I planed chapter by chapter.
This year I've got the beginning, end and some bits in the middle in my head and I'm going to see how the rest comes.
15:00 / 01.11.07
2,400 words, and that was the beginning I had planned. Now I have to start making shit up.
14:30 / 02.11.07
Well, already 'gut instinct' has turned an attempt at Hamiltonian boozy realism into an adventure for young folk with hints of agrarian anarchism.

Funny how these things change under the influence, like.
at the scarwash
15:33 / 04.11.07
I've hit 1,400 and I have no idea what I'm writing about.
13:56 / 05.11.07
Fucking hell, I'm a quarter of the way through!

Unfortunately, the one thing I was sure about (the ending, and, well, what's actually happening all the way through) I have now decided is rubbish. So I guess I'm making it up from now on, cos I quite like the stuff I've done so far.
09:37 / 06.11.07
A quarter of the way through? You are teh nanowrimomachine!
13:22 / 06.11.07

Mind you, it's all probably bollocks.
03:32 / 07.11.07
Damn. Maybe next year. I will have to just cheer from the sidelines.

Go Stoatie Go!
17:02 / 07.11.07
Today has been my first day off. I may try to write something later, but my hangover and subsequent hair-of-the-dog booze has actually made typing THIS fairly tricky...

Mind you, the next chapter is going to start with the main character having a terrible hangover, so I could maybe make some notes.
21:00 / 08.11.07
Wow. Most profitable hangover I ever had. 17765 words total!
Not likely to get anything done tomorrow, as I'm going to Salisbury to meet my mum.
11:56 / 09.11.07
Go, Stoatie GO!
15:56 / 11.11.07
How are things going, people?
at the scarwash
22:12 / 12.11.07
I'm lazing out at about 4500 words. This is not good.
14:25 / 13.11.07
Just passed 25,000!

One thing I've discovered, though- last year I thought I managed to nail the plot pretty damn well, but my characters were flimsy. This year I've put a lot more work into the characters, and don't think I've done too bad a job of them, but am now having problems getting them to fit into the plot.

So I'm learning stuff. I can do characters. I can do plots. I can't do both at once.
Closed for Business Time
14:45 / 13.11.07
Why don't you just outsource the plotting to your characters then?
Liger Null
17:06 / 13.11.07

I'm lazing out at about 4500 words. This is not good.

That makes me feel a little better about my measly 5,350 words.
13:46 / 16.11.07

Just had to rewrite a whole chunk which I'd just realised made no sense at all with the rest of it. But I still managed to get my daily word count in on top, so it wasn't all bad, even though I think it may not flow as well now. 32,500!
14:24 / 17.11.07

35k of absolute balls!
Liger Null
23:55 / 18.11.07
Stop gloating, Stoatie.

Just. Stop.
13:52 / 19.11.07
I should probably not say anything that rhymes with "warty cowstand" at this point then...
21:14 / 19.11.07
Gosh, postings. I should check Barbelith more often.

Anyway I've just about trudged past the 22,000 mark
Colonel Kadmon
21:59 / 19.11.07
Mon the Stoat! Mon Autran!

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