I'm afraid my graphic design skills are nil, but in a broad-general-advice sort of way, and knowing some folks that started and ran (and still run, but in a much more subdued way these days) their own indie label in Montreal... it's a lot of work.
There are a lot of interesting established distribution methods out there, such as netlabels, that would let you focus on your music instead of splitting your time and attention between the creative work of music-making and the often-grinding work of running a record label.
If you're determined, fantastic! Go for it! But given that you're still in the thinking-about-it stages, without any graphic designers or artists, this might be a good time to talk to some people that run successful independent labels and see what they did/do -- you might find that most of them have had to sacrifice their own music to do the label, as the label, if done right, just takes so danged much time. |