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Throw me plot ideas, and I will write them up as a short story.

All Acting Regiment
12:46 / 02.09.07
If you have an idea but can't be bothered or can't see how it might be written up, kindly throw it this way and I will see if I can make it into a full story. Everyone else can play too.
Alex's Grandma
13:49 / 02.09.07
A scrummy new chap from across the pond starts work in the same building as Bridget Jones. Weeks of flirtation lead to a romantic dinner. Unfortunately, the chap in question is Patrick Bateman.

You know, 'Cigarettes: Thirty. V.V. bad. But down to size eight! And bumped into Patrick in queue at the deli!! Asked out on date!!!' diary ends abruptly, that sort of thing.
19:53 / 02.09.07
Telepathic pinworm communicating with their host and giving him powers as a reward for his compassion towards them.

I also want a vision of the risen christ (telling out protagonist about the virtue of mercy re: pinworm) and some sort of fecal mothering/incubation.
Glenn Close But No Cigar
21:21 / 02.09.07
Scally youth gets inducted into secret society of spiky-rubber-jacketed freedom fighters, only to find that...

Damn. Let's try again:

Rick Astley makes reluctant war on Old Gods, only to find that...

Frig. Ok, I think I've got it:

Ordinary Joe with fauna-mimicking powers fights animal abuse only to find that his every move is being controlled by an omnipotent...

Shite. How about:

Billionare playboy / orphaned vigilante enters a mental asylum only to find that, pace Foucault's Madness and Civilization, he shares something of the inmates'...

Balls. One last go then:

Giant red robots fight giant blue robots on distant planet, only to find that they're actually toys in the control of nth dimensional beings and their eternal war is ALL A GAME!!!

Arse. I'll get me coat.
Whisky Priestess
10:09 / 03.09.07
Giant squid falls in love with abandoned giraffe. Nature photographer covers the action, realises their union will produce the Antichrist of Animals. Along with plucky truckstop whore sidekick, must prevent their meeting/mating and save the world.
23:19 / 03.09.07
I'd like to see a story about cavemen, where they're not slow, stupid and plodding, but fast and nimble, like chimpanzees, or prehistoric traceurs. Because that never happens and I think it would.

Then there'd be an astronaut, and they'd fight.
23:20 / 03.09.07
Oh, but! At the end they'll realise they're on the same side, and turn around just in time to face ... dramatic shadow, to be continued!
Whisky Priestess
14:37 / 05.09.07
A small boy makes friends with a feminine hygiene product ... oh wait, no, I've already written that one.
WHY do they not publish it? WHY?
15:20 / 05.09.07
A girl finally gets up the nerve to kiss the boy she likes after learning that the dome that protects their underwater city has suffered a catastrophic crack. However, I think that it should never be clearly stated that they live in an underwater city unless it's towards the end.
All Acting Regiment
11:30 / 06.09.07
I'm On It. May be some time.
Whisky Priestess
20:46 / 06.09.07
We get half the royalties, right?
Alex's Grandma
21:36 / 06.09.07
A young man arrives at college, and has his eyes opened to the transformative possibilities inherent in radical, left wing politics. He dreams of a better society.

Six months after graduation, working in London, he's face down in the facilities of his office local, crawling towards the spectral, porcelain shapes with a tear-stained copy of Nuts magazine in his suit jacket pocket, wondering how all this happened, especially during his lunchbreak.
All Acting Regiment
13:02 / 07.09.07
I shan't be trying to publish any of these for money, I just thought it would be fun.
Whisky Priestess
15:31 / 07.09.07
I'm kidding!
Alex's Grandma
00:55 / 08.09.07
I also want a vision of the risen christ (telling out protagonist about the virtue of mercy re: pinworm) and some sort of fecal mothering/incubation.

But why would you want that?

Wouldn't it be, you know, a little depressing?
10:41 / 13.09.07
No! It would rock hard. Because visions are the best sort of machinery! You get to put in flashing lights and opullence and violently clashing colour schemes.

But now I look at it, maybe the fecal incubation was a tad too far.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:57 / 13.09.07
Princess, Allmacto and Triplets share a flat.

The landlord is Jack Fear.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:29 / 13.09.07
Whatever it is, the chapter titles have to be a line-by-line recitation of "Momma Said Knock You Out."
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