Pretty much as it says on the tin: I've been tinkering with a board game design that's sort of a combination of Diplomacy-lite, global conquest, and token-placement. I quite like the turn-by-turn mechanics, but I will need playtesters in a big bad way.
The work required out of the gate would be to print out a deck of 40 cards and a map (tho' the map is quite simple and could be done with a sheet of bristolboard and some markers -- dimensions don't have to be precise or anything) and find five people.
You'll also need 25 smallish "tokens" for each player, each player's tokens distinct from all others. So like one person has pennies, another has small pebbles, another thumbtacks, another little Monopoly houses, or whatever.
This isn't a one-play thing, though -- I need a bit of commitment to play two or three times through V1, make a list of goods and bads, then play two or three times through a V2, V3 and maybe V4. There will be lots of testing on my end, too. But the more input I can get, the better.
The game might suck.
Then again, it might rock.
I think the central idea is good; the turn-resolution mechanic is (to my knowledge) unique, it's about ruling the world with an iron fist, and it's got a (skewed) sense of humour to it. So if anyone is willing to give it a few shots, it should be ready for testing by mid-September.
Non-dedicated gamers are as, or more, welcome than hardcore board-gamers. This is intended to be a promotional tool for something non-gamey, so its primary audience will be kinda geeky but not necessarily game-geeky. |