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I need a comic artist.

MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:38 / 22.08.07
Hokay: so the artist for Rise, Kraken! is now occupied pretty much with all his art time doing Rise, Kraken! and that is, in my opinion, a good thing.

BUT -- in the lacuna between doing the Kraken pitch and its being accepted for publication, he spearheaded a project called Sugary Serials, a comic-book anthology for kids in the 7-10-year-old range. I'd worked up a series of eight-page stories called Whoa, Zombies! about, well, kids fightin' zombies.

I've got a thing for titles with commas and exclamation marks. Don't ask.

Sugary Serials is rolling ahead and looking awesome, but Jerzy has turned his artin' to Rise, Kraken! to meet some tight production deadlines.

So I need an artist for W,Z! The first two issues of Sugary Serials are complete, so this would get slotted in in the third or fourth issue. Unlike most of the other features (which are serials in the classic sense), this'd be eight-page stand-alones in which the stable cast of kids would confront different types of zombies (it's the Science Accident zombies the first time out, to be followed by Alien Zombies, Magic Zombies, Virus Zombies and Bad Food Zombies in later installments).

Kind of a weird tour of the zombie sub-genre but with no death or bloodshed and lots and lots of superballs.

So: I need an artist for something a high-energy kids' comic about zombies. Anyone here do that sort of thing or know somebody that does?
09:26 / 23.08.07
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MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
10:19 / 23.08.07
I've got a few PMs, actually -- thanks for replies to date. I'll send the script out to people later today to see what they think... I'm then off camping for a few days but I'll be back on top of this next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Actually, glancing over the script again, there's a bit more I want to do to this. So I'll be sending out on Tuesday or Wednesday!
09:18 / 24.08.07
Magic! I was just dreaming that someone should make this so I could be pleased that it was made, and now I find that it is indeed made, well... I'm sure you can imagine where this is going!

(It's going "Yes!")
19:13 / 24.08.07
Zingin'! the art looks burly, the quotes are biting. Food zombies certainly won't be eaten by children...
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:22 / 31.08.07
Another minor delay, after further perusal of my script reveals that I hate it with a passion that burns like the sun. Rewriting!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:58 / 04.09.07
And this is the Comicspace site (with 31-page preview comic uploaded) for Sugary Serials, to give you an idea of what other stuff looks like. What I have in my head is closer to Equalizers of the Divide, stylewise, but I'm open to other stuff.
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