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Forest Force!

17:17 / 22.08.07

The 1950's saw America entering a new age of suburban perfection. Status Quo was maintained through everything from the idea of a 'well-maintained lawn' as a symbol of prosperity to the wholesome image of teens holding hands and sharing a milk shake.

Achieving such perfection required a great deal of behind the scenes maintenance, and the United States Government, under Truman, began deploying covert organizations throughout their suburban kingdom. From undercover greasers, to publishers who made sure comic book stores prominently displayed series that helped solidify their dream, these invisible cells were everywhere.

One such cell, was Forest Force!

The FF stand apart from their contemporaries in a plethora of ways, the most easily discernible of these being their biological make-up. Forest Force consisted of two chipmunks, a squirrel, a mouse, and a bumblebee. From their barely noticable headquarters in The Really Old Tree Next to The Mayor's Office, they were responsible for quelling some of the nation's major threats to suburban status quo.

Unfortunately, no team-unit--not even one as ingeniously constructed as Forest Force--is not without its share of drama...

ZIP & ZAP, the twin chipmunks who command the unit, can take the credit for much of the unrest within the faction. Zip's dedication to his position puts him constantly at odds with the fun-loving Zap.

TWEEKER, the squirrel, does her share to lengthen the divide between the two chipmunks as her specialties include technology and indecision, the latter is most commonly employed when she is asked the question "Who do you like better -- Zip or Zap?"

VELVEETA, the mouse, is also a problematic member of the team. His addiction to dairy products is so severe that his olfactory receptors have been damaged to the point that only the strongest cheese scents make it to his epithelium.

LIL MACGUFFIN, the now-deceased bumblebee seemed destined for failure from the moment he entered the Force. With an average lifespan of about four weeks, there was very little he could actually contribute to the group, and therefore became more of a nuisance than Velveeta's addiction. In a cruel twist of fate, however, it was Velveeta's own negligance in watching the young bee that caused his early death at only two weeks old. Disregarding the problems inherant with having a crime-fighting bumblebee, Velveeta has never forgiven himself for failing to protect the lil' fella and has since fallen back into his habit.
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