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Childrens Book Illustrations

lille christina
15:57 / 14.08.07

So here is my first illustration for a book someone else is writing. I'd be glad for tips, critique etc.

21:15 / 14.08.07
That is lovely! Looks like a chocolate moose! Heh

I like the way the flowers look nearly luminescent, almost firefly-like. Also the texture of the grass seems as if it would be fuzzy to the touch. I really like it! Nice work!
This Sunday
22:37 / 14.08.07
I really dig the contrast between the grass and the superflat nature of everything else. And that moose is my hero of the week.

What really made it for me, was that the image was slow-loading, so I could read the commentary first, and thought 'no image, the comments must be for an imaginary picture,' and a glorious picture it was. And then it finally loaded, and wow, it really was everything I had been led to believe. (This effect would be incredibly difficult to reproduce in a childrens book, unfortunately.)
lille christina
05:55 / 15.08.07
Now you made my day you guys! Thank you for the encouraging comments. I've found some minor mistakes in the image though, but they are going to be fixed fastly.

The next image in this series is going to be an illustration of the books' rabbit.
lille christina
18:03 / 30.08.07
Here comes the next image for the book. It's Harry the rabbit.

19:29 / 30.08.07
ooh I quite like him!
lille christina
16:22 / 31.08.07
Thank you. The author is on holliday right now, but I think she is coming back to Bergen tomorrow or so. I hope she likes it as well.
12:52 / 15.09.07
I can't see the rabbit.
lille christina
19:22 / 16.09.07
oh, server trouble...will fix. :E
lille christina
19:28 / 16.09.07
somehow, suddenly I feel that something is missing in the middle of the rabbit image. Maybe some more flowers and cute things would do? I will have to think about it.
Tryphena Absent
19:52 / 16.09.07
Maybe you could make the rabbit more furry and less smooth? I think the rabbit is lovely but could be even more strokable!
lille christina
20:10 / 16.09.07
Yeah, I guess he could be more fluffy fur-like, and maybe the tail could be white-ish to make him look more real life-like. Dankeschön for the tip.
Cowboy Scientist
02:54 / 19.09.07
Some illustrations I did for Ray Bradbury's Golden Apples of the Sun. They're kind of old, so when I look at them, I go all "this could have been better if so and so". Meh.

This Sunday
03:08 / 19.09.07
I love the eyes, HV. All of them.

And a second vote for a shaggier bunny.
11:39 / 09.10.07
Wow, Heat Vision, those are excellent! I really love the painty textures with the bold colours. Really lovely, puts me in mind me of an ace combination between the Life Aquatic and the comic artist Seth.

If you have any more to stuff show I'd love to see you over in this thread!
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