After the Miners strile of 84. The Tory Goverment made it easier and encouraged people to buy their concill houses.
Are the two related? I think so.
A strking worker, can get into finacil difficutlies and loose their home far easier than if their home was rented.
By givng the majority of the working class mortgahes the Goverment gave them a Financial noose around their necks to ensure less chance of strikes.
Yeah. I don't know about this. Is it really easier to have your home repossessed than it is to be evicted for failing to pay your rent? Also, while 'financial noose' is tremendously evocative, it's also a bit misleading, since property has been less of a 'financial noose' as an investment that's rocketed up faster than saleries, than the rate of inflation, than anything else you could have done with your money in 1984. I mean, I don't think the Tories did it out of the goodness of their hearts, and it was obviously a way of getting people to vote Conservative who would never have voted Conservative ever in their lives, but to see it as maneuvering to stop people from going on strike seems a bit paranoid. After all, people weren't forced to buy their homes, and arguably owning a home gives you more financial security than renting it.
I suppose, yes, it does give you something to lose, but in that case any legislation that offers anything to people other than to make their lives so dogshit awful that they have no choice but to fight back can be assigned the same status as a cynical ploy designed to keep folk sedated. |