Well, proof of that would certainly be interesting. I'm sure there are all kinds of dodgy influences acting on this conflict, on both sides, but that makes speculation without proof somewhat dangerous - there are people who'd have you beleive in a worldwide Islamist assault blah blah fishcakes, when the reality is much more fractured, and other people who still tout Anti-semitic conspiracy theories, when the reality is much simpler and has to do with human greed and trauma.
Lenin's sources frequently suggest that Fatah is infiltrated by various pro-western interests. I don't know. What I think is becoming quite obvious is that, while Hamas do not immediately seem like the best group to be in charge of any country, they do stand for an assertion of Palestinian rights - now, my reading of history tells me that conflict only really stops when not just a peace, but a fair peace, is acheived - i.e. when iniquity is removed. By "co-operating" with Israel, that is, on Israel's terms, Fatah make this unlikely. I expect that a peace acheived with Fatah would not last very long, because the fundamental problems, demonstrated by this map, won't have gone away:

Without wanting to preach, when we talk about this conflict it is our duty to remember that this is not a case of a few malcontents and Jew-haters trying to spoil the innocent aspirations of "the Jews" to get "their own land" - this is a case of a traumatised, violated Arabic people fighting back against a hundred or more years of successive, extremely violent, waves of mass American- and European-backed invasion, specifically by Zionists, with no respect and no interest for the people already living in Palestine - remember many Jewish people worldwide are opposed to this.
Israel's behaviour has been intolerable for a long time, with perhaps the most dangerous activites beside attacks on Palestinian villages being the Israeli domination of, and creation of, the "Jewish narrative" - the pushing of a story where the only possible outcome for "the Jews", after all their suffering in Europe, is to take this land, and that anyone who criticises this is an anti-semite. Not to mention other insulkts - a recent news story talked about Israel squandering money meant for concentration camp survivors on weaponry. |