ok for those of you who are interested -- they did a remix to the song, and we did a graphics-crazed video remix to go with it.
check it on YOUTUBE

grant, you'll be happy, there's an instant replay. as for your other questions from previous... the visual concepts flowed from the sound and lyrics. i wanted it to be about war as spectator sport, and to represent the frustration suggested by the lyrics, and at the same time the production and poppiness made me think of bright colors. so something very pure and stylized made sense. the core visual i was running with in the initial shoot was that the people would look a lot like vinyl toys, and the simple colors of the green football field and the blue sky would be our entire palette. this felt right for something that presented extreme conflict through this particular sound. know what i mean?
Bizarro Bad Touch -- i know, since shooting i've seen that mychem video also -- i guess gasmasks and cheerleaders are all the rage.
thanks everyone for the nice reviews! |