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June Mix Cd: Scorch and Torpor


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18:50 / 08.06.07
Ok then. I previously volunteered for the June mix, and this time, I'm going to go for a double album.

Scorch is the music for the sun beating down through a blue, unclouded sky, baking everything to a standstill, breaking DNA chains for tanning, overdosing people on vitamin D. It's for the music of dry heat.

Torpor, on the other hand, is the music of those days when the heat is too great to even move, and you have to hole up somewhere shaded, under a ceiling fan or in air-conditioning, afraid of baking in the heat. It's for the music of the shade and the occasional, welcome breeze.

Scorch is more about sunshine music, while Torpor is the necessarily relaxed side of things.

Anyway, you know the drill! Who's up for it?
19:05 / 08.06.07
Mon Oncle Ignatius
19:06 / 08.06.07
Oooh, yeah, me, please!

(May mix will arrive soon. It will)
Essential Dazzler
19:08 / 08.06.07
Ok, I'm in.

Although I may drop out tomorrow after I look over my CD collection and spot nothing worthwhile.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:08 / 08.06.07
Hmm. My idea for a double disc celebrating the cinematic achievements of Larry Storch and Tor Jonson has just been upstaged.

Oh well. I'm in regardless.
electric monk
19:16 / 08.06.07
Consider me "in"!
Lama glama
20:00 / 08.06.07
In as an in like thing.
Can we submit an entry for just one, or both?
20:16 / 08.06.07
Both, preferably.
Lama glama
20:24 / 08.06.07
Nifty. I have a nice lazy song for torpor, but scorch is proving a bit of a challenge.
Mike Modular
01:05 / 09.06.07
Sir, yes Sir! Reporting for sunny song duty...
06:07 / 09.06.07
Me, please!
Closed for Business Time
10:06 / 09.06.07
Me, squire!!! INinininin!
11:25 / 09.06.07
15:36 / 09.06.07
Ok then. So far I count...



Ten people, namely (using current screen names)

Bold in Her Breeches
Ognarud Suitangi-Ognajd
Pacific State Is
high school big shot
The Last of the Llamas
Mike Modular
A Franker Nolte
and .trampetunia.

I'm going for around fifteen people, so this is open for, give or take, another five places.

Mattshepherd has kindly offered the use of the FTP site, which I appreciate, but I've not used it before, so I'm going to kindly ask everyone to be ready to email songs across in .mp3 format in case I suffer a case of technical ineptness. (But I'm hoping that doesn't happen.)

So, get thinking, get rifling the record collections, and, preferably, have initial song thoughts / preliminary selections ready as soon as possible!
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
19:56 / 09.06.07
I've got a couple ideas for this one, I'm in!
Lama glama
23:11 / 09.06.07
Eek. If it's email only, then I'm probably going to have to drop out thanks to my sluggish 56k connection. The FTP method makes it really easy for 56kers as you can just let the song upload and if it crashes the program just picks it up again. With email, if that happens to crash then it's back to the starting point. If we can use FTP, then super, but if not, then I'll happily let me space open for somebody with a speedier connection.

Curse you rural telecommunications network!
08:44 / 10.06.07
I should be able to do the FTP thing. Have no fear.

I just like to Plan Ahead For All Eventual Outcomes. Stay in for now, huh?
22:47 / 10.06.07
Me, please!
23:17 / 10.06.07
I've never done one of these before, but I've got some ideas. Count me in!
00:53 / 11.06.07
I'd like to be in on this one, if there's still room?
rizla mission
07:43 / 11.06.07
Any room left for me...?

No worries if not.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:15 / 11.06.07
If there's room, I'd like to be in.
16:40 / 11.06.07
Well, I think it might just be do-able.

I now count sixteen, i.e.

Bold in Her Breeches
Ognarud Suitangi-Ognajd
Pacific State Is
high school big shot
The Last of the Llamas
Mike Modular
A Franker Nolte
Groovin' madfigs
The O RLY owl's samophlange
Talas the Half a Bee
rizla mission
and Coffee, Tea, or Kali?.

Which should be fine. Unless any of you are planning on really, really long songs.

That's all for now, though, folks, so get thinking about songs etc. FTP-thing should be fine (hopefully) but there's always email. I'd like songs ready-to-go fairly soon, but for now there's no rush.
electric monk
17:14 / 11.06.07
Unless any of you are planning on really, really long songs.

Uuuuuummmm... I was. But I'm sure I can come up with a Plan B tune.
Sibelian 2.0
17:23 / 11.06.07

can i play...?
18:31 / 11.06.07
You can if you don't mind being The Reserve. Meaning that you're welcome, and if there's room you'll be included - or if anyone drops out for whatever reason. That ok with you?
Sibelian 2.0
18:52 / 11.06.07
More than fine! Ta!
19:52 / 11.06.07
Good, I'm glad. Close the door behind you.

The rest of you - Get going!
16:20 / 12.06.07
I believe I now understand the mysteries of FTP.

So the choice is, as they say, yours; either emailing or using the FTP server. I'd like song choices by the end of this week, preferably and if possible, and from thereon in the actual sending can be sorted out.
electric monk
16:35 / 12.06.07
Awright FTP!

PM me with the FTP info when you get a chance, Peppermint. I might be able to get you the mp3s today!

Can I use DropStuff to compress the files?
Closed for Business Time
17:17 / 12.06.07
For those of us on the May Mix rumble, can we use the same FTP log-on info? I think I got PM'ed alladat.
17:21 / 12.06.07
I believe so, yes!
Closed for Business Time
19:08 / 12.06.07
I'm ready, steady gone done all ready. Bit of a fit.
09:12 / 13.06.07
Can I drop out of this please? Sorry for mucking y'all about, but I've got too much on the go at the mo.
14:32 / 13.06.07
If Saveloy's out can I be in? Please please?

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