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Making things out of paper

All Acting Regiment
09:18 / 05.06.07
I need to learn how to make ships out of paper for a small relative. This is quite urgent. I've downloaded a couple of PDF's from various monstrous papercraft sites, but they look very hard. I seem to remember a sort of trick that everyone does, of folding paper so you get a sort of a ship? If someone could jog my memory on that I'd appreciate it.

Also feel free to talk about making things out of paper generally.
10:50 / 05.06.07
23:18 / 05.06.07
I can make a triangle. It could be a sail. I have no shipful knowledge though, do share if you find out.
01:33 / 06.06.07
The simplest paper boat I know is basically done by making, like, a paper airplane with two noses, more or less.

I found lots of origami boats (and other things) with a little google searching a while back. Once you figure out what different folding lines mean (solid away from you, dotted towards you), it's actually pretty easy.
All Acting Regiment
15:47 / 07.06.07
Well, I knocked together a Xebec and an Ironclad, both quite naive in style. I may post pictures.
Sibelian 2.0
21:25 / 07.06.07

Click on piccy,then use magnifying glass to make big, VERY big diagram, read carefully, make.

Bad diagram, but not so bad for 3/4 hours work.
Sibelian 2.0
21:33 / 07.06.07

Blake Head
22:11 / 07.06.07
Sib, do you have the directions to the template of that lobster one?
Sibelian 2.0
07:53 / 08.06.07

Nope. The lobster guy is by a particular person, and these really complicated ones are very difficult and are usually only available in books imported from japan...


Through my "Extreme Origami" contacts (yes, I have "Extreme Origami" contacts) I *may* be able to acquire it. On the other hand, that's a very "probably not, though" sort of "may". It will take a bit of time...

*I* didn't make those models!
Sibelian 2.0
08:48 / 08.06.07
This is a making thread! Can we move it to Creation?

I'll show you all how to do a modular rhombic dodecahedron...
10:06 / 11.06.07
Now I lament the lack of origami paper at home...
07:38 / 12.06.07
I've requested a move.

Archabyss, does normal paper not work?
08:08 / 12.06.07
For some origami it does work but for some of the more complicated designs I find it to be far too thick in general, hence the lighter thinner origami paper I lament. But it's not long until payday now so it's only a small lament.
12:05 / 12.06.07
I quite like some of the origami tessellations that are online- I downloaded some origami tessellation software, watched video clips, looked at diagrams, and tried folding, but never really managed to get anywhere. I'd love to be able to make some of those because they look really cool, but they seem tricky.

I should try to find the origami book I had when I was a child and start off with the simpler designs in there again, I suspect.
Sibelian 2.0
23:09 / 12.06.07
Squirmelia - what sort of tessellations? Tessellations of the plane piquing your interest? Or some of the more extragant 3-D things? I used to do a fair bit of origami but had not heard of the more exciting tessellation stuff until you mentioned it and I went a-googling.
00:20 / 13.06.07
I want purple paper so I can turn that lobsty into Skorponok.
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