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Neuromancer Movie

haus of fraser
13:08 / 24.05.07
Just read this rather interesting blog entry on Joseph Kahn's Myspace (director of Muse Knights of Cydonia, Britney Spears Toxic, Wu Tang Clan Gravel pit etc etc).

Variety blew my cover over the weekend. This is the screenplay I've been working on for the last two years.

As to the backlash.

There's going to be a backlash. You have to be nuts or stupid to take on a monster like this. I knew what I was getting myself into. Stanley Kubrick could take this on and he'd have a 14 year old in Iowa blogging on how wack the cgi effects were in 2001, and then on the otherhand a 45 year old child molestor completely insistant nothing will ever look as good as the visuals in his own head.

And they'd both hate Torque.

I could see how the combination of the Britney Spears director with William Gibson is a controversial choice. But the problem is, the summation of my career is not Britney Spears. I've done plenty of "cred" videos: Moby, Chemical Brothers, Korn, U2, Muse to name a few. The headlines sound attractively pessimistic to slap the successful pop example of my work to a supposedly nihilistic work like Neuromancer. It really just demonstrates how little most people know of the music video world and how it pertains to filmmaking.

For instance, before David Fincher became the dark auteur that fanboys salivate over, he made his name doing…Paula Abdul videos. And hard core Michael Bay with his rumbling guns and explosions made…Meatloaf videos, as well as…The Divinyls "I Touch Myself." Those of you in the music video business know the score and understand why this is.

I guess this is turning into a defense of myself, so I will defend myself.

The other complaint lodged at me is that my movie Torque basically sucked. It's either a sell out piece of commercial crap, or an incompetant long form music video, or both, and it's a sure sign I'm clueless as a filmmaker. And to all of this, I'll say: they're wrong.

Making your first movie under the Hollywood studio system is hard. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm telling you honestly with no exaggeration: you have no clue what it's like to be put through that studio grinder and retain any sort of authorship. The politics, the pressure, the scapegoating, the interference, the pure physicality of an intense 70 day shoot, the budget hysterics, the permeating sense of fear and negativity from everyone. Torque is not 100% of what I wanted, but I'm proud of what it is, because at the end of the day, after going through this studio machine that blends movies together into mediocrity, it split people. Some hated it, others loved it. Some actually had both reactions at the same time. Whatever it was, it wasn't safe. The ice cream on the cone couldn't be digested without a strong opinion. That's a tall order for an Ice Cube biker flick. Your welcome.

So that's one of the reasons why "they" hired me to do Neuromancer, and make no mistake, Gibson is one of "them." There's no way in hell I'm on this without atleast a half disinegnous grunt of approval from him. Yes, Chris Cunningham was attached to this years ago and you may think him as a far cooler director than me, but he quit. HE QUIT. Understand? Sorry. He abandoned the baby on the doorstep, and it will never come to daddy again.

I'm on it because I am nuts, and I am stupid, and I will throw everything I have at making a book that's been ripped off left and right and considered impossible to adapt…work. I've spent my whole life making things. People who don't know me seem to dismiss me as some cliché blinged out music video director, and even if that jealous perception were true then remember this - I started with nothing. No contacts in Hollywood, no money, nothing. All I've ever had to survive is the dedication to my craft. All I know how to do is make things, and if Neuromancer is on my plate, I am going to make it. That's why this film finally has a chance at getting made.

Now here we are and all I know is this: the movie in my head rocks. I've already watched it, I just need to execute. Is it Gibson's vision? Not quite. There's no way this film can ever achieve what Gibson did. He practically changed the world and how we imagined ourselves growing up into it. The novel is always going to be the superior work of art. The book's a legitimate work of genius in a millenial way, not the Richard Roeper thumbs up way. I'm working on a two hour movie, so it's my distillation of his vision into a much shorter form. Compomises and interpretation will be required, and the personal issues I chose to focus on will be the things that turn me on about the book. So at the end of the day, there's wiggle room: the good shit is his, the bad shit is mine.

But when it gets made, maybe on some level, everyone will be ecstatic to see some version of it moving on a movie screen, like when a parent is happy to see their toddler draw a crayon of the sun. If I'm lucky, maybe even Gibson himself will dig it.

So there it is.

I only have one more thing to say.

When Variety broke the story, this is how they described me:

Joseph Kahn, a Korean-American commercials director who made "Torque" for Warren Bros., has inked to direct.

What the fuck does my race have to do with directing Neuromancer?

Seems Chris Cunningham is out of the picture with a relative newcomer taking the reigns. Thoughts people?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:14 / 24.05.07
I got a Uwe Boll vibe off the guy when he was talking about how significant Torque was.

That is not a vibe I like to feel when reading about I movie I really want to be good.
13:25 / 24.05.07
"Belonging to you" is your, "you are" is "you're". Mark down someone else who hasn't got the faintest idea what "disingenuous" means, also.

On the plus side, the video to Toxic was great, although the song would have made it hard to cock up.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:29 / 24.05.07
I like him 100 times more than anyone who expresses an opinion on what his proposed adaptation is going to be like any time in the next six months.
Mysterious Transfer Student
13:34 / 24.05.07
He abandoned the baby on the doorstep, and it will never come to daddy again.

Was this an hilarious gag at the expense of Chris Cunningham, director of the notorious Aphex Twin "Come to Daddy" promo?

If so, it seems a little undignified for the opening pre-emptive salvo in what Mr. Kahn correctly predicts will be a flame war between him as point man for The Man vs. The Fans for the next several years of his career. If not it was quite an amusing slip.

Will admit to being the teensiest bit excited by this news. Just hoping Dean Stockwell doesn't die before they cast The Finn.
13:43 / 24.05.07
Actually, on reflection the video for Knights of Cydonia was also great, despite the song. This man may be a director of genius music videos, whose loss would be keenly felt.

On the plus side, his po-faced and completely point-missing insistence on the distinction between cred and uncred music videos, and his lumping of Muse and U2 into "cred" and Britney into "uncred", suggests that he has a teenager's sense of what is cool that may actually serve Neuromancer very well.

So, dream cast? I think [somebody I really want to have sex with] as Molly...
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:48 / 24.05.07
I thought that thing about "cred" too, Haus, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the quotation marks are deliberate.

I have sent him a YouTube link showing my audition for the part of Ca$e.
13:51 / 24.05.07
It's a good idea, but I think you'll find that Case looks and sounds exactly like me. As does Wintermute.
Mysterious Transfer Student
13:55 / 24.05.07
The best possible approach for studios casting adaptations of preciously adored popcult properties from now on would be to announce that every part in the film will be played by Keanu Reeves in a CGI wig.

That'll larn 'em. ('Em meaning us.)
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:58 / 24.05.07
Haus - who's hot who's not? Tell me who rock, who sell out in stores? You tell me who flopped, who copped the blue drop, who jewels got robbed, who's mostly goldie down to the tube sock - the same ol' pimp. Ca$e: you know ain't nothin' change but my limp. Can't stop until I see my name on a blimp.
14:39 / 24.05.07
I think all movie adaptations, whether they're casting unknowns or what, should say right from the start of the project that they're casting unknowns. It would stop a lot of needless needlessness, really.
Corey Waits
02:39 / 28.05.07
Ha! I love this guy already. So much sass - it sounds like he isn't going to let the overly-jaded, cynical, talentless, fanboy, internet fucks get to him.
'Cause, by golly, they're going to be coming out of the woodworks for this one...

As long as Keanu Reeves doesn't get any sort of role AT ALL in this film I'll be happy...
However, if any aspect of the Rastafarian Navy is cut I will cry myself to death. Presumably by dehydration, or drowning, or a combination of both.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:44 / 28.05.07
I don't have a lot of confidence in anyone who falls back on "but making movies is hard!" to explain why his first movie was jaw-shatteringly awful.

Because making Neuromancer will be hard!, so by every expectation he's already given himself permission to screw this up every way to Sunday.
18:04 / 02.06.07
Can no-one else picture Keanu as Case, in full on Johnny Mnemonic total-breakdown mode, in conversation with Wintermute?

"I had a cigarette," Case said, looking down at his white-knuckled fist. "I had a cigarette and a girl and a place to sleep. Do you hear me, you son of a bitch? You hear me?"

... Just me, then?
07:17 / 03.06.07
so if thats the case what has Chris Cunningham been doing since 2005's Rubber Johnny; The Horrors clip is pretty basic so I'm a little perturbed. Never knew he worked on AI; Anyway the world needs more C.C.!!
haus of fraser
16:43 / 07.06.07

Anyway the world needs more C.C.

am i the only person that thought both rubber johnny and the horrors video were a bit shit?
21:03 / 07.06.07
yeah thats my point what has he been up to; sheena was a total lame out; and rubber johnny?? after window licker and come down my selector and the like its like his output dried up; thought that meant he was working on something mind blowing but it seems he's taken the money from sony and orange and blown it!

Back to neuromancer I walked out of Johnny Mnemonic I couldnt take Keanu Reeves wooden acting a second longer than 33.33 minutes. Whatever happens I'd hate to see him wreck another attempt to tranlate Gibson to celluloid (or HD as the case may be)
11:23 / 08.06.07
You know, all this fucking whinging about Keanu is fucking boring. Just had a look over at the Scanner Darkly thread, which, quelle surprise, was another pre-release moanathon, and, guess what? After the film was released virtually no-one levelled any substantial criticisms at the actor*, instead what we got was a few of Barbelith's better posters talking thoughfully about the movie.

Christ, at least over there people knew that Keanu had been cast.

Fuckeye, AICN much?

*Note that this isn't a post for or against Keanu - I have mixed feelings about him: I like him in some roles, dislike him him in others
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:35 / 08.06.07
And honestly, I though he was a pretty good fit for the Johnny of the movie. He was supposed to be an unlikeable asshat.
15:40 / 08.06.07
Gotta admit, Boboss, Keanu was fucking BRILLIANT in Scanner. And I'm REALLY not a fan of his.
19:15 / 08.06.07
I also loved him in Scanner
19:26 / 08.06.07
Oh yeah, I meant "I'VE gotta admit". I kind of gathered that you were impressed already. Sorry for not being more clear.
19:51 / 08.06.07
The funny thing* is, I wasn't so much whinging as whimsical - I can in fact picture him as Case, I liked Johnny Mnemonic and I loved A Scanner Darkly. I even liked him as Constantine. (I'm not proud.)

As has been said many, many times before, by people better than I, there's no point moaning about the horse before it leaves the stables.

*Well, yes, it's not that funny. But I'm not wanting to be seen as Keanu-bashing.
20:14 / 08.06.07
Wasn't criticising you, Pepper.
20:28 / 08.06.07
I didn't think you were.

I'm inspired by the way this thread, however, went from Zero to Keanu (bypassing the metracriticism of Haus and Flyboy) within ten posts when casting's not even been announced. It's a little odd.

Being as it's not even due for release, supposedly, for another year and a half to two years, this begs the question as to why discussion, apart from breaking the news, has broken out - are we really going to post and post about this film for eighteen-to-twenty-four months?

Or is that a stupid question?
Mysterious Transfer Student
20:43 / 08.06.07
Well we appeared to manage it with the Transformers movie...

On balance I'm saying no.

The invocation of my demon Kenuwee is probably explicable as people quite naturally wanting an adaptation of a beloved book not buggered up with casting of actors who are (a) 'limited' in range and (b) already too much associated with Movies Like This, but fatalistic about how it will actually turn out. The position that we should all shut up about it to stave off any possible creeping AICN-ification of the 'Lith seems difficult to argue with.
This Sunday
19:37 / 09.06.07
I do agree with Kahn on some parts, including part of his Torque defense (a very small part), and his closing pissiness at the Korean-American reference. Seriously, entirely unnecessary, a bit rude, and makes me wonder why you never see Irish-American or Italian-American (unless they're directing a crime picture). And the Fincher thing made me laugh. And made me laugh at Kahn. And Fincher. Is he 'cred' still? U2 and Korn?

I think the weird use of 'cred' and the defensiveness of the piece could fuel the filmmaking into something perfectly Gibson. Geeky teen in big shitkicking boots and a badass coat full of pretention, frustration, and very cheap drugs = Neuromancer: The Movie.

Molly Millions really is another version of the dark-haired sleep-with-protagonist from Tarantino's We All Watched the Same Imaginary Movie... essay, isn't she? Dark-haired, dangerous, tight clothes and at turns witty, sexy, and fun to be around while remaining ostracized by most folks...
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