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I'm Not There

14:43 / 21.05.07
I'm a huge Bob fan and the star-studded upcoming film I'm Not There looks really interesting;

"The film follows seven characters, each embodying a different aspect of Dylan's life story and music. It's the first biographical feature project to secure the approval of the pop culture icon.
Each story expresses an aspect of Dylan's mercurial personality and each story is to be filmed differently, in a style appropriate to its theme: Woody (Franklin) - an 11-year-old black boy, always on the run; Robbie - a womanizing performer, always on the road; Jude (Blanchett) - the young androgynous rock star; John/Jack (Bale) - a folk idol who reinvents himself as an evangelist; Billy (Gere) - the famous outlaw, miraculously alive but growing old"

Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan? Heath Ledger?! Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Is anyone else excited by this? Any Bob fans out there?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:02 / 21.05.07
Bob Dylan is the first real concert I remember seeing. This movie sounds like it could be the best thing to come out this year.
This Sunday
15:13 / 21.05.07
I'm quite fond Dylan as a musician, writer, and handful of personalities (plus he can sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game really movingly), so I'd see it - eventually - no matter what. However, this has Batman and the Joker playing Dylan, and manages to have Cate Blanchett and Julianne Moore in a film directed by Todd Superstar/Velvet Goldmine Haynes. I may be paying for other people's tickets to get them to see this in the theatre.
20:27 / 21.05.07
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to this one. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story is the greatest biopic of all time, and Velvet Goldmine is right up there with it. I watched Velvet Goldmine for the first time in the summer of 2005, and it was great to see the stars of the two biggest films of that summer, Batman and Obi-Wan Kenobi, fucking each other on a roof.
De Selby
04:54 / 15.07.07
A clip with Blanchett off of youtube.

Initially I was skeptical, but after seeing this clip I am looking forward to this movie in a big way.
Alex's Grandma
02:03 / 16.07.07
I watched Velvet Goldmine for the first time in the summer of 2005, and it was great to see the stars of the two biggest films of that summer, Batman and Obi-Wan Kenobi, fucking each other on a roof.

I wrote a letter to the Daily Telegraph, about that scene.
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