We are not after a definition of TINE
Yes, we are
No, we are not. At least, not exactly. Speaking as a translator, I can say that to translate a multiple words expression (in this case, "to fix and tine the moon") is totally different frm traslating the individuals words of said expression (in this case "tine", but also, "fix" and "the moon"), for the expression could have a completely different meaning.
For instance, in Generation Hex, which I`m reading now, there are more than one reference to a magick techiniue enviosioned by Burrowghs calling "cut-out" (or something like that, not with the book in hand rigth now), that is a lot more than just cutting stuff-out. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. "fixing and tining the moon" could very well refer to a complex ritual with only ametaphorical name. Hence, the caution of Jen. I'm sure you also understand this, Haus.
Dude, if I was not out of town, I'd pick up my Portuguese version of VOICE OF FIRE ("A VOZ DO FOGO"), and tell you how the translator handled it for you, so you'd have a reference. As it is, you will have to wait another week and a half. I'll PM you then and ask if you're still interested. |