I'm, as predictably per (though he was wrong about text adventure Batman) kinda into Jog's take on the whole 'controversial' interaction between old GL and young SG.
He's right - it is so old-fashioned, or perhaps rather, anachronistic, without immanentizing any specific era: I don't especially recall eighties books being like this - my first ever superhero comic was an utterly overwrought Wolfman/Perez Titans ish and then there's the whole Dark Phoenix thing. I think Haney, of whom I only know second-hand, sounds a good call, Papers.
Again, I must confess - if only to upset Cameron - that I been using the old Sam Torrance for these too; so impressed was I with the first couple, especially after expecting a real beard'n'spex chafer, I'd intended on picking up #1-3 when the latter came out, but I thought it looked rub in the shop, too. Something about Hawaiian-shirted bondage-fiend Perez' art juxtaposed with modern, probably computer game, design did not sit well at all. So I'll prolly get trades, I think; it's worth it for the gambling planet alone, really. Rarely have I felt so immersed in such a bustling, alien environ as was depicted there. The gladiator fight, time holes and so forth are all staples, but it's the rapidity at which they're being fired out, the ease with which secondary characters (new Beetle, e.g.) are rotated and pretty compellingly cast into the ongoing drama... I've only really read the first few Legion issues, couple FFs, JLA: Year One, both Kingdom (Come) books, but really this, ultimately, seems to be the point of Mark Waid - has he ever done anything remotely as good? |