Self-reflections: I want to reassure DD that he's a good person, really. Because a lot of the time when I've accidentally blundered around acting out of structures of power that I didn't see, I've afterwards felt stupid and careless and really wanted reassurance that my experiences are valued, that I'm a good person, that my individual actions are not causing individual harm, that my individual words have the meaning I want them to have. I think I'm seeing that same hurt in DD and, like usual, I want to just fix it and make it okay.
DD, of course, as an individual person, as far as I can tell, you're great. Insightful, caring, experienced, valued. And, you're allowed to say things that don't come across they way you intended, and your experiences are valued, and people shouldn't dismiss your experiences or your words as meaningless because of some aspect of your identity—instead we should understand your experience in the context of your identity. And, you are also living within structures of power, and sometimes it's not our individual existence, rights, actions, words, feelings, or experiences that matter in a particular discussion. Sometimes one has to back away from the personal to address something more encompassing. |