I've been following this
Banning Thread: Epop
in which Epop both claims to be a survivor of rape, and employs this claim to support some pretty nasty ideas about rape's place in a determinist biological / evolutionary model.
Without wanting to re-hash the arguments in that particular thread, I think it might be worth thinking about how Barbelith deals with posters who claim a particular quality / experience, and then employ that claim to speak in a way which may be offensive to others who have / have had that particular quality / experience. An example of this might be a poster who writes that 'I'm from Norwich, and so I'm entitled to say that all people from Norwich have tails, being from there and all'. The problems of this are manifold:
1) Verifiability.
The poster claims to be from Norwich. Ze might have named Norwich as hir location on hir profile. Ze might post at times consistent with living in Norwich. Ze might even write in a Norwich dialect, and display what seems to be considerable knowledge of the city. Nevertheless, there's no way a passing 'lither could verify that the poster is from Norwich. Therefore, the passing 'lither must decide on the balance of available evidence whether the poster is telling the truth, or else form a IRL relationship with them in which they could indeed verify that they live in that Fine City by, say, visiting their flat. So the credibility of the poster's claim depends on a) their ability to express themselves convincingly, and / or b) IRL verification. These two routes to credibility are not available to all posters.
2) Authority.
What authority does the poster's claim grant them to speak about Norwich and its inhabitants? A large number of 'lithers are not from Norwich, and it would make sense to defer to Norwich-poster on Norwich-related matters, or at least hir experience of them. However, if we are aware of an anti-Norwich prejudice that's in wide circulation, and the Norwich-poster mouths this prejudice, should we accept that ze is correct, given that ze claims to speak from a position of authority?
3) Respect.
So, the Norwich-poster has claimed that all people from knowledge have tails, and we vehemently disagree. Is it disrespectful to do so, given that we are not from Norwich ourselves, and are approaching the topic from a (perhaps ignorant, and perhaps privileged) non-Norwich perspective?
4) Calling bullshit.
Now, we're beginning to suspect that the Norwich-poster is not from Norwich at all, but is merely pretending to be from Norwich in order to spread anti-Norwich prejudice without fear of attack. Our instinct is to call bulshit on them, but this too is riddled with difficulties. If we say 'you're not from Norwich at all, you lying fuckwad', they're likely to reply 'how dare you say that. You're just a fuckwadding Norwich-ist'. Again, this is irresolveable, without verification one way or the other. And what if we're wrong? Have we, the (perhaps ignorant, perhaps privileged) non-Norwich folk, stepped on the poster's Norwich-self-identifying toes?
Another question: how would we deal with the same situation, were that poster from Ipswich, but claimed to have a 'Norwich Soul'?
Thoughts? |