Okay, here are the rules of Politically Correct Dodgeball. Choose a target. Say something kind and supportive to or about them, and then lob a cute, fluffy, round thing in their general direction. Repeat.
The dodging comes in when the playground bullies get here and try to hit us with accusations of being "too PC." Avoid the accusations, say superficially kind but fundamentally reproachful things about the bullies, and lob a cute, fluffy thing in their general direction.
Extra points for use of Non-Violent Communication™, "I feel" statements, "energy"/"vibrations", or misuse of any of the above.
I'll start:
Justrix, I'm really appreciating your clarity about your needs and desires for Barbelith. When you expressed regret about not being able to play Dodgeball in Policy, I was inspired to create something new, and that makes me feel good. Here:

Have a kittenball!
*fling* Mew! |