Wow. That John Knox sure did have some... strongly held ideas....
His output at Geneva included his The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, published anonymously in 1558, in which he unleashed a torrent of vitriol against female rulers:
For who can denie but it is repugneth to nature, that the blind shall be appointed to leade and conduct such as do see? That the weake, the sicke and impotent persons shall norishe and kepe the hole and strong? And finallie, that the foolishe, madde and phrenetike shal governe the discrete and give counsel to such as be sober of mind. And such be al women, compared unto man in bearing of authoritie. For their sight in civile regiment is but blindness; their strength, weaknes; their counsel, foolishnes; and judgment, phrensie, if it be rightlie considered.
Founder of Presbyterianism, y'know. |