Many of you know the premise behind Freecycle and many of you belong to various Freecycle groups, but for those of you who don't, from the Freecycle site:
When you want to find a new home for something -- whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano, or an old door -- you simply send an e-mail offering it to members of the local Freecycle group.
Or, maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself. Simply respond to a member's offer, and you just might get it. After that, it's up to the giver to decide who receives the gift and to set up a pickup time for passing on the treasure.
Our main rule: Everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages.
So basically, it's a site to keep things out of landfill, to protect the environment and to help advocate less consumerism. It's really good and I have given away lots and got lots in return.
Locally it works because people live near each other and can collect, but I thought we could have a Barbelith freecycle for things we have and want to give away for free or distribute, but which people can either collect or have posted. Anything can go on here, perhaps duplicate copies of comics, or books. All you have to do is be willing to pay the postage of your item to someone; then they get the item for free and next time you might get something you want.
So, me first.
I have several hard copies of the Mark Thomas 'Submission of evidence for the Quadripartite Select Committee on Ashok Leyland Ltd and Sudan'.

This is the transcript of recordings which Mark Thomas made when investigating the Hinduja Group and military supplies to Sudan for BBC2's newsnight, but the BBC never did broadcast the piece because the Hinduja Group threatened them with court action. It is available to download on the internet, but if you prefer to have an actual hard copy of the document as I do, I am very happy to post you one. Just PM me your details. |