The wise man mocks the man; the mocked man mocks the mocker.
(Shorthand; Don't. There is no plot, the special effects are dire, and unless you have a burning desire to see, in the accurate words of Somethingawful, "Tara Reid dry-humping Christian Slater" to the sound of "7 seconds" by Nenah Cherry (sp?) and Youssour N'Dour... Bollocks. The more I defend it, the more you're going to want to see it, aren't you?)
I can only say it this way; it's not so bad it's good, it's not even so bad it's bad, it's just really, really awful.
Threadrot temporarily over; so this is the PS2 area 51 rather than the somewhat shoddy light-gun shootemup? If I'm thinking of the right one, didn't the PS2 game have David Duchovny involved somewhere along the line?
I do also really apologise for sidetracking so, but Alone In The Dark really provokes such incredibly strong feelings of psychological revulsion that I had to say something. |