So it currently looks like this, I've got songs from:
Copper Caterpillar
The Ghost of Tom Winter
uncle retrospective
Addle Brains
Through the amazing process of deductive reasoning, I figure that I'm still missing tracks from:
rizla mission
Mike Modular
Stoatie took etc.
Matt Shepherd
So, to avoid finger pointing, judgement of your peers, and the crushing weight of shame, pick your songs and send them on as soon as possible. I know I said I wasn't going to be whip-cracky, but I lied. Get on it, NOW. Or don't. I mean, it's up to you, really, um, whatever you like.
It should be easy (at least about as easy as choosing a song can get). I purposely made the theme one that's not too hard to find interesting examples of. Or, I think I did. The choices so far are great, I look forward to seeing what the rest of you choose and birthing this little baby. |