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15:48 / 31.03.07

The set up… Azuma is a teenage prodigy with one single-minded goal: to create Japan, a bread that so completely epitomises his homeland that it becomes the new national bread and a worthy rival to rice as the country's staple. He is naturally gifted with uncanny skills of improvisation and innovation, the purest heart of all bakers, and the legendary Solar Hands that make his dough ferment in next to no time. To this end he leaves home and enrols at Pantasia, quickly bonding with the store's other employees Kawachi, Tsukino, Ken and the hilariously neglected Kageto.

From here on in Yakitate progresses into an extraordinarily stoopid shōnen parody series. Many of the tropes of shows like Dragonball, Bleach and Naruto are present and correct; the young central character on his epic quest to hone his skills and become a man; the massive cast of supporting players and their detailed histories; the power up structure in which our heroes become ever more ass-kickingly hard; and the manner in which everyone pontificates in pornographic detail about the unbeatable strength of their absurd techniques.

Only this isn't about martial arts. It's about bakery. The "fights" are all baking standoffs, initiations or tournaments. They're the set piece sequences for virtually all character development, conflict, and the ingenious clever/dumb visual jokes and shocking puns that are the series' main strength. The quality of the bread is judged on the extremity of the tasters' reaction, and it's here that creator Takashi Hashiguchi's unhinged and shameless imagination for comedy truly goes stratospheric. The puns won't necessarily be lost on you either, as this is one of the most beautifully fansubbed animes I've come across, with plenty of explanatory notes that invite you to rewatch with your finger hovering over the pause button.

To be honest, I never really wanted to start a thread about a show that's this completely fucking idiotic, but after last night's night shift the six episodes I watched back to back knocked the quality bar so unexpected high that I was both simultaneously laughing my arse off and wiping a tear from my eye. If you're ever brave enough to begin this sixty-nine episode grand folly then you'll know the episode I mean when you see it, it comes towards the end of the second major storyline and features Azuma baking Japan 44, the effects of which are rather more than anyone bargained for. Also around this time is when you'll hear the awestruck "Dave Stands!" line that had me pissing all over the floor of my flat.

There's so much to like here. It never takes itself seriously. Ken's afro gets a laugh whenever he's on screen. His traumatised history - how he came to only bake ethical bread without artificial ingredients - is funny as fuck. The secret behind The Man in the Koala mask and how it relates to one of the most brain-meltingly wrong stereotypes is beautifully played out. Kawachi as the self-made working class hero becomes the best character in the show. And yes, Suwabara really does have a sword concealed in his rolling pin.

Essential Dazzler
16:56 / 31.03.07
Only last night I was telling my partner how my life needs more TV that I could describe as "delirious".

This is the TV series I think I need.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
09:58 / 01.04.07
The quality of the bread is judged on the extremity of the tasters' reaction, and it's here that creator Takashi Hashiguchi's unhinged and shameless imagination for comedy truly goes stratospheric.

Very true. I loved the judges reaction upon tasting the Mt Fuji bread during the first contest.

I kinda got bored with the series, though, for the same reasons I got bored with Sumomo mo momomo. I can't remember what they were just now but whatever, I'm sure I had them.
12:58 / 01.04.07
How far did you get? It is deeply predictable and about as deep as WWE, but it reached a tipping point with me around Japan 44. That would the bread that temporarily kills fat ex-manga writer Dave and judge Kuroyanagi.

There's an incredible ten minute sequence in which the two of them ascend to Heaven and Kuroyanagi meets a woman who reminds him of his childhood sweetheart from when he was studying bread at Harvard. He declares his love for her and she bursts into tears, and he realises that he's slowly disappearing. Stricken, he asks her why. She responds that he has not yet accomplished all he needs to in life, and as they kiss farewell he disappears altogether and returns in the nick of time to prevent Azuma from getting arrested for double murder.

It's the funniest thing I've seen in ages and takes up half the episode, sends up a thousand crappy movies and TV shows and is actually genuinely touching as well as hilarious. My only concern is that I have no idea how they can top it.
Mysterious Transfer Student
14:55 / 01.04.07
All right, I'm sold. Where do I find a reliable source for this insanity?

It's not as if I haven't got enough else to do at the moment, what with Noein, Air Gear, His and Her Circumstances, a catch-up on Bleach and my refresher course on the second half of Evangelion all in the entry bay - on the other hand, all of those are somewhat lacking in Pacific's much prized quality of deliriousness. I'll see if I can find me a sample.
16:56 / 01.04.07
I really hope I'm not overselling this show. I repeat: it's really fucking stupid, switch your brain off stuff. It's neither big nor clever.

Well, correction. It's very clever, it's just that its intelligence is used to turn your brain to mush.

Its cumulative effect is frightening. When I started I was concerned I'd purchased a dud, but it starts to take over your soul. The praying at the graveside scene is all kinds of magnificence.
09:33 / 09.05.07
This show is getting funnier and funnier. I'm now at around episode forty, halfway through the Monaco Cup arc. Between Pierrot, Kid's multiple cameo roles, Kageto's psychic shuddering, that stupid bloody peacock and what is described as the common sense ability for ex-circus performers to clone themselves this is all getting rather out of hand. Plus the whole ludicrously self-aware racial stereotyping during the Monaco arc is hilarious, especially the hapless Russian and British teams.

Also notable is Fumihiko Tachiki's (Gendo Ikari, Zaraki Kenpachi) performance as the main villain, who visually seems to be a direct parody of Shinji's old man. And looking into things a little deeper, he's also a Niner! He played the original series character Kor when he turned up again as a drunken, past his prime warhorse. Plus he used to be a blues singer! I like him more by the second.
09:42 / 12.05.07
Running the risk of being a man of nearly thirty whose writing for this thread reads more like an obsessive teenage fan blog than a decent balanced critique… but the master of self cloning and Prince of Clowns Pierrot Bolnese just got himself arrested for tormenting anthropomorphised Chinese cabbages when his Pandora's Box inspired reaction to HOTT Nekkid Samurai Boy Kai Suwabara's Golden D'loro Crown with Shining Fruit-jewels and Chocolate Chips was overturned by his even more extreme reaction to HOTT Nekkid American Girl Monica Adenauer's "Mother's" Rye Bread with Blooming Candy Rose seeded in Five Layered Rye Flours Bread that mimics the strata of the earth, complete with Heat Retaining Candy Imitation Water Table. But was Pierrot's arrest a ruse to get Suwabara and Adenauer alone together long enough to fall in love when the sword wielding kid catches a glimpse of the cake decorator's scarred candy shaping artisan's hands? Aww…

As ever I'm struck by the irrelevance of whether this show is actually any good or not.
09:57 / 13.05.07
This sounds AWESOME. Mind you, Mr Tank, you have a gift for making ANYTHING sound awesome... most of the time you're right, though. I will certainly be checking this motherfucker out.
12:22 / 13.05.07
Thing is, I really don't know if it is awesome. It's just taking over my life. I don't think standards like *good* or *bad* really apply to something like this.

Certainly the animation is awful and the music is really annoying. Apart from Kid's theme, which makes me laugh every time. Kid is probably the best running joke in the whole show, has me in stitches. And the direction is usually awful, the puns are terrible (and sometimes take about five minutes of the episode to explain), the structure is repetitive... it's the kind of TV show that is the ultimate Sunday afternoon hangover cure.

Last night I saw episode 53, in which Gendo Ikari riffing villain Yuuichi Kirisaki bakes Go-pan #104: The "Anime Rewriter," which upon tasting bends the reality of the series from the very beginning of episode 1 so that an American boy becomes obsessed with finding a rice that American's will take to heart as their national goes-with-everything dish rather than bread. The blasphemy that his Dad utters as he's about to taste the experimental rice-pudding porridge had me laughing for a full five minutes. The meta-fiction self referencing blows the show apart for a full five minutes, with Yakitate vs anti-matter Yakitate and characters in the episode referring to what happens in the post credits next episode and Seed of Knowledge educational sections... just bonkers.

I also loved Azuma's Ja-pan #61: the Cannabis Bread Donut that sends you back in time.

I really can't recommend this series. If you decide to watch it, and if you get obsessed by it, then that's your fault entirely.
14:22 / 13.05.07
See? Even when you explicitly try to tell me you don't know whether it's awesome or not, you still manage to make it sound like the apex of awesomeness.

Whatever you do, don't ever become a salesman. I've got enough useless crap already.
Mysterious Transfer Student
15:04 / 13.05.07
Stoatowl has a legitimate point, inasmuch as any post including the words used in passing the Cannabis Bread Donut that sends you back in time would cause me to want to watch this show, even if I was watching it already.

I just finished with the first Pantasia versus St. Pierre tournament, in which Ken's impassioned soliloquy defending the use of leftovers to make new bread as near as damn it brought a tear to the eye. An effect only slightly undermined, moments later, by his ordering poor Tsukino to "give them a pose and make it sexy - it's for the store, so do it!" when touting the stuff to the public. Wrong.
17:46 / 01.06.07
I've finally finished this moronic waste of my life.

Highlights, and I hope you don't mind spoilers, included the bread that rewrites the entire series with added product placement, the bread that causes Kuroyanagi to nearly bleed to death and turns Mokoyama one into a giant panda, the bread that blows up a robotic Kuroyanagi into a thousand miniature robotic Kuroyanagis and the enforced simultaneous tasting of two fruit tarts that causes reality to be warped into an episode long Lord of the Rings parody, complete with a sentient loquat in the place of the One Ring and Kid standing in for all the oppressed peoples of Middle Earth.

And yes, I did cry in the last episode when the Pantasia staff are on the verge of losing the final match and Tsukino activates the Monaco Family Ring...
Mysterious Transfer Student
08:15 / 02.06.07
Damnation directed towards Seth for obliging me to become addicted to watching this show... I admit absolutely no responsibility of my own in this regard.

Nearly at the end of the Pantasia Newcomers' Tournament story arc and there are far too many great things already to talk about; but I will say that when watching episode #18 and the crab-bread baking/tasting sequences, I did wonder at one or two moments if I was going to die laughing.

Also, I seem to have developed an alarmingly deep hatesexcrush for Yukino Azusagawa, is this normal?

God, she's evil. Look at her, being evil! (drool)
14:24 / 02.06.07
Also, I seem to have developed an alarmingly deep hatesexcrush for Yukino Azusagawa, is this normal?

We are way, way past normal here my friend. Normal got kicked to the kerb with the opening credits of the first episode.

I don't fancy her. I do fancy Kanmuri though, which is messing me around quite a lot as I'm fairly died in the wool het (not for lack of trying). I just can't conceptualise him as male despite having seen him half naked. It's a combination of the female voice actor, pink hair and androgenous looks... I'm thoroughly short fused by it, and am having lots of pervy dreams about hermaphrodites (although I'm not sure which came first).
14:29 / 02.06.07
I guess it helps that Kanmuri is voiced by Marina Inoue, who also plays Yoko in Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann.

Stacked anchors, NLPers.

Stacked anchors.
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