Hey all. A bit belated I know, but I plan to celebrate my birthday with as many people as possible on the following dates and in the following ways...

Tuesday 27 March 2007
The Rebel: core component of Country Teasers. Nakedly aggressive Americana.
Fuck Buttons: Euphoric, expansive tribal noise swellings.
Hunting Lodge: Moronic four man pissing contest for sex offenders, sea goblins and motivational speakers.
Men of Unitus: Pummel-riff band fronted by uplifting preacher.
Paul Linn: Legendary 80s power balladeer, playing live for the first time in years!
+ DJ Crablin and DJ Rrrachel before/between/after bands

Wednesday 28 March 2007
Grabba Grabba Tape: Everything gets Dafter and Punkier when you have pink fur trimmed costumes.
Hunting Lodge: Ugly broken men make ugly broken music. Full of pathos.
22 10 in the Pen: Squelchy disco pelvic grinding mash-ups.
Remnant Psyche: Video game inspired laptop lunacy with live cello, piano and guitar from Rival Joustas' Morgan.
Tickets are £5.00 in advance from either me or the Ejector Seat boys. Click here for tickets and more info. |