So the new Danny Boyle film Sunshine is coming out soon, and some webloggers, including myself, were given an early screening. Normally I don't do these things because they sort of creep me out and I think they're an attempt to buy good word of mouth publicity, but I'll be honest—I really wanted to see the film and so I shut up and went along with it.
It's a bit of a mess, to be honest. It's well directed, it's quite exciting in places, there are a couple of interesting shocks, but really it's just a hybrid of all other space films you've ever seen in one big movie. There are bits of Event Horizon, 2001, Solaris, Lost in Space (not kidding), Mission to Mars, Apollo 11 and about a dozen other things, smooshed together with odds and sods that you'd recognise from Stargate SG1, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and given a slightly shinier coat of paint. Oh and a little bit of Cube. Most of the characters are flat and unconvincing too. Or at least, no less cyphers than most generic adventure SF.
Having said that it's sort of entertaining enough and looks very pretty.
It just made me sort of sad, I suppose, that all contemporary sci-fi could really have been written in the 1950s or even earlier. Nothing's really changed substantially since HG Wells even though our technology is now completely different. It's so ... weird ... to me that it's all so formulaic.
Has anyone else seen or heard anything about the film? What did you think? And is it really lamentable how low contemporary science fiction has sunk? |