
“You’ll never guess what I saw that Caruso guy doing the other day.”

“He wasn’t practising acceptance speeches again was he? I swear, if I have to watch him pluck another nasal hair just so that his eyes water up I’m going to give him the smoking of his life.”

“What exactly would that entail?”

“Well, you know, I’d slink up to him out of the undergrowth – he’d probably say “What the?!” – and I’d just sort of…well…smoke him…”


“Anyway it wasn’t acceptance speeches, thank the Lord. He was carving Emmies out of coconut shells.”

“That’s a new low. Sometimes I think we should tell him about the ferry from the mainland that stops off each day on the far side of the island.”

“Know what you mean, but it’s kinda fun watching him make crime scenes out of flotsam.”

“Can I ask you a personal question, Josh?”

“Sure, Frank.”

“Are you, like, made out of nanobots or what?”

“I guess he was just too… safe to be sorry. Wait, that pun makes no sense out of context.” |