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Bene, anyone? Anyone!?

21:13 / 07.03.07
I'm having trouble researching this apparently very obscure post-modern Italian Playwright/actor/filmmaker.

Gilles Deleuze mentions his name here and there, regarding him as a model practitioner of a "minor theatre"(Reference Deleuze's 'Kafka:Towards a Minor Literature').

Otherwise, there seems to be little or nothing published by or about Bene in English.

A couple Links:

fficial%26hs%3DZl4">Translated Italian wikipedia page.

Any reccomendations on scholarly articles, anthologies, editions of his plays or criical texts would be highly appreciated and earn you infinte and unconditional positive regard from a complete stranger n teh inernet.

19:15 / 14.03.07
spellcheck fukker
19:29 / 04.04.07
anyone, anyone?
01:20 / 05.04.07
had it, though, thank you...
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