To agree with what others have said, it definitely is a good deal less annoying than Torchwood - but that's not because it better.
I think that's abour right, and I can see Miss K's argument exactly - Primeval knows what it is - lightweight nonsense not that different from a British Stargate: SG1: utterly unchallenging running-and-shooting tosh. Whereas Torchwood was a near-insane mixture of adult themes, gritty realism, dodgy set dressing, cyborg badgers and horribly awkward shagging, with pretensions to being grown-up, mainstream-accessible sci-fi.
As such, I've enjoyed what I have seen of Primeval, despite the often dire acting and the fact that even now I cannot identify any actual character traits in half the cast beyond their outfit choices, and the MoTW episodes appear to be the actual plot arc rather than disruptions _to_ the plot arc. I won't feel I've missed much if I am out on a Sunday, though. |