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The Dark is Rising

11:53 / 21.02.07
Bloody hell, they're filming The Dark is Rising. I know this novel/novel sequence (by Susan Cooper) is very close to some Barbeloid's hearts.

I'm thrilled, but was at first concerned that the film may lack the edge of danger I always feel when I reread the novels. With a big mish-mash of magic music, a bit of celtic, Welsh Arthurian nonsense, and an oversimplistic binary morality, will it be twee? Will it be worse than The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - passable, with horny centaurs, but no heart?

Then I wondered if actually, the binary belief system may be the thing to save it. I don't like certainties, and I know that black and white thinking is the hallmark of a cult. However, the novels have a lot of complexity and intricacy, and figures from all kinds of mythology, but under it all there's the Light, and the Dark, and even typing that gives me tingles. It's very well set-up and ancient in the novels. And they show how the Light can be as exploitative and ruthless and cold as the Dark - I hope that this isn't excluded.

IMDB with cast here.
I think they may have the feel of it, if not the physical specifics (in brief, because I don't get to geek much: Ian McShane is insufficiently white-haired, deep voiced and tall for Merriman, but since watching Deadwood I can believe he's sufficiently aqualine and sinister. Ecclestone is not a young, redhaired chap, but I suspect he'll be excellent.

I understand a lot better, now, the concerns of Tolkien fans - I want to see the drowned land, I want to see the skeletal horse, but obviously I don't want to see them screwed up. One fantastic possibility is following through the visual symbols in Cooper's work, and elaborating on them. There are, for example, shields which crop up all over the place - you have to (I had to) read the books quite doggedly to extract the connections, but I think they could make for a wodnerful thematic unity in a film version.

Enough of my fannish waffling. Waffle yourselves.
12:51 / 21.02.07
I too couldn't stop squeeing the minute I read this.

But there's a mighty big rumor they're going to make Will Stanton an American in an American family.
13:28 / 21.02.07
That wouldn't be a killer for me, as long as it's still physically set in Britain - it would be rather ridiculous to have the youngsters stomping round anywhere in the US rattling on about Bards, Merlin and Welsh pronunciation.
13:51 / 21.02.07
Maybe if they made it Cree Native American mythology instead of Welsh? Or if they just used American legends - John Henry Irons, Wild Bill Hicock, like that? I think that would work.
Jack Fear
14:36 / 21.02.07
John Henry Irons

Haus, I like the way you think. This could be just the vehicle to reignite Shaquille O'Neal's foundering movie career!

14:39 / 21.02.07
When the Snark is Rising...
14:54 / 21.02.07
Actually, the more I think about this, the more it seems to me that it would benefit enormously from an updating to be more like Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" - perhaps by Neil Gaiman! Dare to Dream...


I'm interested by this, but I'm not sure how they would do it - there just isn't that much _action_, especially not in the first book. So much of it is about menace and uncertainty - could it be be turned into a blockbuster? I'd see it more as an intelligent, low-budget, Paperhouse-style creeper, personally...

Well, all right. Higher budget than that. But you'd need to fit some of the high concept in to sell the sequels. Maybe one just gets rid of the Cornish bits completely and goes straight into the A plot?
14:55 / 21.02.07
Sorry - to be more precise, there are many ways they could butcher this, but I don't think Americanising all the references will be one. I'd put money on a Dickensian, Hogwartian feel to it (particularly if they keep the Christmas season time-frame for the early Will Stanton section). I'm more concerned that a lot of CGI creatures that don't appear in the novels will crop up. If Will Stanton gets a familiar, I'll be tetchy.

The central fight between Dark and Light is what most blockbuster fantasy films seems to be about, lately. I therefore don't think this adaptation will be like Ursula LeGuin who had the morality of her fiction mangled (I can't find the piece in which she discussed the Sci Fi Channel Earthsea at the moment, but she generally objected to the idea of using violence for Good).

If anything, I can see huge appeal for some of the central ideas of The Dark is Rising in a conservative way: there's a sinister massive network of agents spread throughout the land who are hard to identify, the good guys have to sacrifice people to save everyone else, everyone else has to be protected even from knowledge of the struggle (see scary Stanton brainwash powers), the white schoolkids will save everyone by getting in touch with the age-old powers knitted into the nation's history - in fact, it could easily be quite nasty. If anything, making Will Stanton American might lessen the chances of the whole thing going a jingoistic.
14:59 / 21.02.07
Oh. They are. Righto.
The Timaximus, The!
03:31 / 22.02.07
Okay, looking at the writer's other credits on IMDB:

Alien Love Triangle (2002) (written by)
The Beach (2000/I) (screenplay)
A Life Less Ordinary (1997) (written by)
Trainspotting (1996) (screenplay)
Shallow Grave (1994) (written by)

Umm... Why the hell isn't Danny Boyle directing this? Then if all else fails, it would at least be a Danny Boyle movie.

Man, those and the Taran Wanderer series were my favorite books in grade school. I should see if I still have copies.
Kit-Cat Club
08:08 / 22.02.07
I followed the link above, and have to say I have a bad feeling about this film.

Will Stanton: 13. Will is an American who lives in England with his family. Will is bullied and/or ignored by his older brothers, and Will is gloomily convinced that he's doomed to be a bookish, gawky oddball at the bottom of the pecking order. However, he is actually an innately cool kid who has not yet grown into his coolness (from the casting info given in the links).

If the reports are reliable, there are a LOT of changes which will significantly alter the story from that in the book (the seventh son thing is gone; the parents are emotionally distant; the Rider is masquerading as the village doctor, etc.), and it seems to me that the feel of the books will be lost. I imagine the changes to the plot won't be so drastic.
12:14 / 22.02.07
If they do fuck this up then I will kill them all.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:18 / 22.02.07
See, now there's an idea for a film. 'The Dark is Rising Fans Are Rising'.
19:03 / 22.02.07
Sounds completely fucked up already. Bullied by his older brothers?! What bullshit! It sounds like they're trying to turn it into Harry Potter. Ironic really.
Jack Fear
01:46 / 02.08.07
Film has been retitled "The Seeker: the Dark Is Rising." Official site is up, with trailer, which one can only hope in unrepresentative.

I never made it through The Dark Is Rising, I'm afraid, but I certainly don't remember it being quite such a dog's breakfast.
The Strobe
12:14 / 02.08.07
Oh god.

I stopped the trailer halfway through. I just don't want to know. It's a total fucking abomination. I just don't know what they want this film to be, but what it looks like is a bad start.

I'd have hoped they'd just drop the reference to the books, tbh. It's just... horrible. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

And I want to punch Will.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:34 / 02.08.07
In the quest for truth, Will Stanton will ask Bobby Dylan. He'll ask the Beatles. He'll ask Timothy Leary, but Leary won't help him either.
Janean Patience
13:18 / 02.08.07
Can't remember if I ever read this series of novels - shamefully, I might have been put off as a child by them being written by a GIRL! - but I read Cooper's adult sci-fi novel Mandrake as a young teen and this thread's making me want to read it again. A future England where everyone's retreated to their hometown and can't leave, the country returned to an almost medieval state by a minister called Mandrake. That kind of Doctor Who gentle apocalyptica that we used to do so well.

I'd better still have it. Anyone else read it?
14:05 / 02.08.07
I haven't read Mandrake, but will try to get hold of it. It sounds oddly similar to The Weathermonger and the other Changes books by Peter Dickinson.
14:22 / 02.08.07
Paleface, if you ignore Will Stanton, the second half of the trailer looks ...possible? Eccleston on a horse with a vocoder? Potential.

I propose a special screening in which we take turns holding a frying pan on a stick in front of young Will's face, and hum loudly whenever they make him say 'awesome'. (Would they have made a hobbit say 'dude'? I don't think so.)

I'm sorry to be an archytypal fan, here, but is anything they're inserted into this film as good as the stuff they've taken out? Or is it just more accessible, with superstrength and girlsnogging? And I'm thinking it's not, on this evidence, 'better parts in the plot for girls', which would have been a good move - I'd even swallow Bran, or the Rider, with female actors, FFS. But this seems like 'gratiuitous insertion of girlsnogging, or suggestion thereof, for our preteen protagonist'.

(This is not to dismiss the young actor playing Will, who is probably quite a good actor and a perfectly nice chap - just, from my perspective, horribly miscast.)

Sorry, I'll go and contribute something positive to another thread in penance.
14:25 / 02.08.07
On the plus side, Bran is now a HOT CHIX0R.
14:48 / 02.08.07
You're lying.

However, his sidekick dog may indeed be a HOT CHIXOR.
Tryphena Absent
15:47 / 02.08.07
It's a total fucking abomination. I just don't know what they want this film to be, but what it looks like is a bad start.

I don't know how to express how right I think you are.

the second half of the trailer looks ...possible? Eccleston on a horse with a vocoder? Potential.

But look at the group behind Will, don't they look... like the X Men?

I may weep. I had to stop the trailer halfway through.
Tryphena Absent
15:50 / 02.08.07
"I can't even figure out how to talk to a girl"

My heart just broke.
Janean Patience
16:46 / 02.08.07
It sounds oddly similar to The Weathermonger and the other Changes books by Peter Dickinson.

THANK YOU! I've been wondering for ages who they were by. My head had it as John Christopher, of Tripods fame. I barely even remember the books, but I loved them and have been haunted by what I recall as the title of one since: Heartsease...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:16 / 02.08.07
While it's a well-documented fact that I loves me some Eccleston, every time I've seen this trailer I've winced. A great children's book made into some half-assed tween fantasy movie. It's not so much that it looks bad as it does goofy.
11:56 / 03.08.07
And hang on: The Seeker?

The Bastards.
14:30 / 03.08.07
I shed real tears watching that. When oh when will they, whoever those fuckers are, stop mining the brilliant books of my childhood and turning them into little steaming piles of poo? (see also, Bridge to Terabithia, Narnia etc).
18:18 / 03.08.07
They named it that so they could use the Who song in the soundtrack.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:53 / 03.08.07
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Jack Fear
19:55 / 03.08.07
grant: See this post, about ten above yours.
00:37 / 04.08.07

hell, i din't recnize them lyrics.

next time, guitars!
13:42 / 17.09.07
If anything, making Will Stanton American might lessen the chances of the whole thing going a jingoistic.

Well, it's possible, but as the director is the guy who brought us that awful Clinton-bashing propaganda The Path to 9/11, I hold out very little hope.
14:26 / 17.09.07
well that finishes that off.
Tryphena Absent
14:31 / 17.09.07
excuse me I just, I hate to behave like Anakin Skywalker as performed by Hayden thingumy but:

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