I don't remember if it was here, or in CBG, or some on-line article, but someone wrote about one of the causes of the ever-faltering comic industry being a lack of outlets at which one could buy comics.
The article/posting (whatever it was) reminisced on the days when every Mom and Pop, drug store, convenience store, and market had comics on display.
And that got me wondering: where is your (yes, you) local comic shop?
For me, the closest proper comic store is Aquilonia, in Troy, NY, about an hour away from my home in southwestern Vermont, USA.
Although, right here in town there is the Beverage Den where one can find alcohol in various forms, tobacco in various forms, porn, news, t-shirts, snacks, and some comics (mainly the most mainstream from DC, Marvel, and surprisingly, Dark Horse and Bongo).
How far do you have to travel for your funny book fix? |