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Static Notebook


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20:55 / 17.02.07
Right-ho... this idea has been approached, broached and apparently begun and now done. I'm kinda of the opinion that it would be nice to do it again;

Proposal; everyone who wants to contribute to a wandering note-book style thing PMs me their name. We set a month in which to make pretties on paper, visual, literate or otherwise... those that have made a page let me know, I PM them my address, they post via snail-mail the page/pages to me, and I attempt to stick them all together... after scanning them to a specific place where we all can see them!

Afterwards I guess the book can be posted off round the world, or some such... I haven't thought as far as what to do with the finished book but I'm sure someone will have an idea.

I'm thinking maybe a theme, or a couple of themes if we want to do a few smaller books, to relate the pages to and then they could be donated to Old People's Homes or hospitals or somewhere appropriate. Not too sure how that would work in practice but it could be an idea...

So, thoughts and volunteering anyone?

BTW; if anyone else wants to share the job of recieving/scanning and binding, please, be my guest, this doesn't exactly have to be a one book show.
21:31 / 17.02.07
I'd really, really like to suggest that if the book goes anywhere once it has been created, the following shall be agreed upon before it gets sent:

• It shall only go to people who can commit to the project and who commit to the time limit set.

• It shall only go to people who can provide full address and contact details, including phone numbers and perhaps even their Mum's number, because if we had Kwende Central or N.E.Coyote's Mum's number we would certainly still have the book. Believe me, I am a Mum and so I have Special Mum Knowing.

• It shall only go to people who agree to having miniscule bits of themselves sliced off in slow and painful fashion if they fail to send the book on when they should.

• No person named Kwende Central shall have the book.

• No person named N.E.Coyote shall have the book.

Bitter and jaded? Me?
23:18 / 17.02.07
I am in full agreement with terms and conditions above.

Mum's contact details necessary if book is to begin travelling once created!

Are there decent alternatives to posting it round members? I guess it depends on how people feel about not seeing the whole book in the flesh.
00:22 / 18.02.07
In this day and age of technological wonder I should think that getting your hands on the actual thing is not of so much importance. Nice to hold the thing, but works almost as well to see it all scanned in.

We need some kind of Lith library. Where things of Value can be stored.
07:53 / 18.02.07
I'd like to contribute and I'm not so worried about getting hold of the original copy.

The book could be available in online form and we could use a self-publishing service to produce copies.
Corey Waits
09:09 / 18.02.07
Well, I like the idea of the notebook and would love to be involved, but my only concern would be that this way you couldn't look at other people's work and then riff off that.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but I just think the idea of an unintentional, over-arching theme would make for a more interesting notebook than one made up of disparate elements...

I dunno, I'm still relatively new around these parts, so I'm not sure what previous notebooks have been like anyway...
17:09 / 18.02.07
I'd love to be in on this.
Suggested theme:secret truths. Everyones stuff (anonymuous obv.) has to show who the artist is *really*.
01:36 / 19.02.07
you couldn't look at other people's work and then riff off that.

You could always request that the owner of page 21 send it to you so you can then deface and send back. Author 21 could then send it to you with a return address (sans name/mit pseudonym) and you can get your graf on.
01:37 / 19.02.07
I would, also, be big for this.
11:39 / 19.02.07
Sounds like it will be similar to the 3rd notebook?

I'd like to join in anyway.
13:06 / 19.02.07
It's based on that Squirmelia. Haloquin talked about it in the Q and A thread.
18:06 / 19.02.07

this idea has been approached, broached and apparently begun and now done. - Haloquin

The 3rd notebook was what this was referring to... sorry, I got a little carried away with silly words.

I've had a brief look at Lulu before, I can check out what it would take, I know they charge for production, but if there's no profit asked on it they don't take a cut, so it can be done in such a way that theres no random money requiring a home.

Swopping pages could be interesting... although I like the 'secret me' idea and I'm not sure how it would work if we have people exchanging contact details. Would anyone be less inclined to be honest if they knew even one person would see it and know who it was?

Unless to 'riff off' was referring to be inspired by others... in which case perhaps there could be two waves of stuff, the first wave from people who have ideas already, and then a second waves of inspired by... we could even have people respond to specific pages and have them paired up when its made available... although that doesn't necessarilly work for a 'secret me' idea.

Ooooh, what if everyone did a 'secret me' page, and then we all picked someone elses page, by number, and responded to it? Like a mirror... so; 'secret me' and a how others respond to that 'mirrored me'. It could get quite personal though. Just an idea, what are peoples thoughts?
18:16 / 19.02.07
Well, that could get quite intense. If someone posted something very personal as a "secret me" and then someone responded to that in an unexpected or shocking way, it could be a bit huge for the first artist.

Not saying it wouldn't rock. But it might be very intense. Which is either very good or very bad depending on your aims.
19:33 / 19.02.07
I was wondering precisely that... could we have 'secret me's for reflecting from those that are happy with a possible shock, and others which would prefer not to be reflected? Would that work?
19:40 / 19.02.07
Yes. They could indicate on the envelope whether or not hey would be happy having people riff of it.
20:17 / 19.02.07
Good plan... I have paged the 'lith, and am of the opinion that perhaps those of us already here could get started? Unless there are objections to a 'secret me' notebook? With reflections on those who desire them?

I guess we probably need some sort of coherent page size and practicalities like that... I'd vote for A4, but then I know the American paper sizes are different. If its being scanned the images can be resized, although I can't scan bigger than that, and I'll go poke Lulu and see what the options there are if people would desire a copy. (if there are 50 pages... and thats probably far more than there will be, its £7 or $12.03 for producing a colour book, apparently, so that might work.)

I'm making the assumption that people are happy to post the pages to me for scannage etc. and then when its in some kind of final stage we can check out whether individuals would like to hold it, perhaps deface it, and so on, once its done...

If i am scanning them, I'm at this address till June, so May is probably a good deadline... no?

If there are any problems please say! I am new to this kind of game

Any late comers... just jump on in, obviously! Theres not really too big a limit on how many pages we can do.
03:25 / 20.02.07
Not 100% keen on the secret me theme, personally. I've already divulged a fair bit on the lith and don't feel like exposing myself any more for a bit.
11:12 / 20.02.07
Ok, what about a variation, 'secret X' you make something that represents the secret heart of something of your choice?

So you could do a 'secret me'... or not, if thats too intimate or you'd prefer not to.

Is that a good way to go? Then we can still have some of them casting reflections... or shadows... and some not; however if prefered.

Oooh, a thought/suggestion for a title...
'The Heart of the Matter and its Reflection'
11:58 / 20.02.07
Philosophy Student.
But yeah, I like it.
14:04 / 21.02.07
I like the secret x idea I'll get started on my page.
16:07 / 04.03.07

So, how are people getting along with this? Are we all happy with the idea as it stands or does it need tweaking?
14:21 / 10.03.07
Just came across this and think it would be mighty fun to participate. I'm in if it gets off the ground.
21:31 / 10.03.07
Very cool... I'm still wondering how many people have started work on it, know one person has finished page/s and is looking for postage, and another has started theirs, but beyond that... so, feel free to make a start

I've recently aquired a DVD writer, which means that, as long as I get all the pages by the beginning of May I can both put them up online, and send out disks with copies of the pictures on, if people so desire? If its later than then it may end up on hold until September.
13:00 / 11.03.07
Are we allowed to send in more than one page?
19:44 / 11.03.07
I was assuming one, and then responses to another persons, but I'm not sure the response wave will happen, that might be a project for a later date. There aren't that many people expressing an interest so I'm happy with more than one page, if thats fine with everyone else.
02:47 / 13.03.07
I'd be interested in joining this project, but there's a few things I'm unsure of. Aside from the very vague theme, do we have complete free reign over the page content? Words, pictures, colors, etc, it's all good? And is this book a PG sort of thing, or can more adult material be presented? (Not that I'm intending on writing a wild sex story laden with foul language, I'm just curious.)

There are more questions, naturally, but I figure those will be answers once things get more organized.
13:21 / 13.03.07
I think we should assume that anything goes in the book and that we're all adults. I shouldn't imagine that there are many people posting on the board who are under 16.

If we start to censor things it could get very complicated.
Essential Dazzler
13:39 / 13.03.07
As far as page content goes, you can even do a collage as long as it'll fit in a scanner or look decent in a digital photograph, and nothing should be considered inappropriate, we're all adults here.

I should mention that Haloquin has a massive phobia of eye injuries, so if you could avoid that sort of thing as a courtesy it would be nice! Or at least mark it on the envelope so I can deal with it instead.
16:52 / 13.03.07
Is that "no images of eyes injuries please" or "nothing that will cause us eyes injuries please"? I was confused.
Essential Dazzler
17:57 / 13.03.07
18:28 / 13.03.07
Oh, yeah, I really hadn't though about that at all! Ummm, If it depicts eye injuries please mark the envelope, then I'm prewarned. That'd be really nice.

Otherwise anything goes, I can easily scan A4 or smaller, and can take pictures of other things, but they won't necessarily fit in a book format and I would hope to be able to hand it on to someone else at some point, especially as I'm sure other people will want it!
15:39 / 11.04.07

How are people getting on with this?

Only two people have asked for mailing address, should I pm it to everyone here anyway?

I'm hoping to have all the pieces by the end of this month, how likely is that or should we put this project on hold for a while? Mostly wondering as I haven't had any arrive yet...
16:08 / 11.04.07
Maybe a little longer? I'm sorry, I'm awful.
20:16 / 30.04.07
Okiday, if, or hopefully when, people decide they would like to pick this up, feel free to PM me or just bump this thread... I will only be here for a month before I disappear for the summer so I'll bump it in September or October if no-one else has and see what the interest is like.
16:32 / 01.08.07
Well, I've just about got into the right state of mind to do this. And It will make a nice break from writing. (Two chapters in two days, which makes a nice difference from one every two years).

So, before I start to make homemade mugwort paper and blood based ink (or something) is this task still in people's heads?

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