Well, the term phase is used as in 'phase transition' the most common example being transition of water into ice or steam. Physical phases are closely linked with the study of complex systems and their dynamics due to the fact that their collective properties do not derive from the characteristics of their individual components. So life-like system as phase of general complex systems should be understood in physical-dynamical sense, with no consequences of subjectivity. I did not intend to say that, and I doubt Kauffman or anyone else in the field I've read about so far has such an idea... (As a side note, I must tell you that Stuart Kauffman is probably the first person to compare transition of complex systems to/from dead/chaotic systems to physical phase transistion.)
The complex system in this context should be understood as philosophically close to cybernetic systems... Systems studied as is in regard to the dynamics of the whole system rather than characteristics of individual components. It's only that in this case the systems themselves are supposed to be complex overall, displaying behaviors that can't be explained properly by deductive reasoning of characteristics of individual components. Think of it as an elaborate mathematical abstraction to study systems as a whole instead of dividing them into parts. (Ugh, I should really learn how to write...)
Stuart Kauffman's involvement in NuTech solutions sounds a little odd, especially considering that his primary field of research consists of formation of self-catalyzing coascervates and systematic analysis of life. I'll keep an eye out for more information.
Red Concrete:
You are right. While complex systems are not as sensitive to initial conditions as say, a chaotic system with a strange attractor, they are certainly sensitive enough to initial conditions to be very unpredictable. The key idea would be to study the systematic characteristics of established organisms and apply that to other complex systems (high energy turbulences, complex networks etc). The idea that carbon/dna structure may not be fundamental to 'life' actually came from Richard Dawkins. While he doesn't really capitalize on the idea, I believe it is upon sound enough theoretical base to try. I have hard time believing that life systems can be reduced to a set of simple equations/graph theorems. (I want to believe it, but it just doesn't make sense to be that easy!) However, I do believe it would be possible to describe life as a phase transition from complex non-living system to complex life-like system.
I refuse to define life based upon their ability to reproduce. While reproduction is essential to the survival of species, it should not be as important in 'formation' of life. (However, I do believe that the proper definition of 'life' is certainly open to debate) Rather, being a hopefully-to-be physicist, I'd rather define life using various means of describing systems of energy. I think life-like systems should be complex dissipative systems that adapt to the environment through dispersed membrane... But frankly my thoughts on this part isn't really fleshed out yet... (I'm only a student...)
You may be right on the necessity of the molecular scale. I believe all complex systems/network systems scientists I've read/heard so far thinks molecular scale is necessary for life. It is only that within current structure of the complex system sciences in general, characteristics of individual components, while important, do not directly effect the overall system once the system goes past certain level of complexity/organisation/energy level... So while atomic systems might lack in diversity of interactions and components, we may be able to fill the gap by directly controlling the level of complexity. Of course, any life-like system formed of such simple and small components (if it is even possible) would need to be HUGE and complex, not to mention the level of energy required to hold such components together in coherent network...
Dirty plasma is basically plasma with different types of atoms and some outside components(like dirt)that does not conform to the predicted 'pure' plasma dynamics. Dirty plasmas display interesting self organisation qualities in extremely limited cases (in terms of magnetic field distortion etc). Yet the dynamics of dirty plasma is really a grad-level subject and I have no clear mathematical understanding of it... I was rather hoping someone would tell me about this ^^
Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks
Some of you might find above link to be extremely interesting... I'll get back to it later... |