I'm well into my new years detox (no alcohol for six weeks) but i also decided to give up milk and sugar in my six cups of coffee a day. last week i had an excrutating headache, then i realised i hadn't drunk and black tea or coffee for two days! somethign else my energy levels were way up, hyper and almost manic, so I've given up caffine for good!
I am experiencing unusually high levels of enviromental stress right now, my work is moving, we have three teenage kids one of whom (17 girl) is auditioning for the Omen, and I'm also not only putting out a research project for my BSc but writing extra essays to evidence prior learning, oh and I'm also a coach at a hypnotherapy colledge......despite this i feel fucking great, the wife and i have got a little hedonistc weekend away planned for the end of our detox, red wine and a few illegals but I'm seriously considering making sobriety a regular gig (i only used to drink at weekends anyway having drifted away from 20 years as the biggest kaner in London)
I feel fucking great...
how did other peoples detoxes go? |