Blue Balls and PMS... a winning thread combination.
Well, Blue Balls seem to be a real thing at times. I can never really tell, but then, I'm not a guy. I've heard women can get "blue clit" but this has never happened to me and I would be interested in any experiences any women on the board have had that would confirm this at all.
Anyway, PMS. Well my pet-peeve (this usually happens when I'm getting upset over something with my Mom, who invariably then asks me if I'm due for my period soon - and yes this does infuriate me just as much as you'd imagine) is when anything that makes me angry or upset is invalidated because "I may be on (or close to being on) the rag." Grr.
I would say I do usually have a few days shortly before my period that I get a little down and weepy, and I don't know if that is classic PMS. I suppose it is but I attribute it to shifting hormone levels in my body at the time.
Still, being a relatively happy person I really like taking ownership of my emotions at this time. I conceive of my whole cycle as a really nice ebb and flow of that I think women can use to mirror a creative process, in terms of "getting pregnant" with an idea/theme of the month/etc., which at the end of the month there is a "release" or "birth" of. Call me a hippie but this has been infinitely helpful in my life.
In general, on those "down" days, I'm sad, but I am sad about issues that have bothered me during the month but haven't gone into myself to deal with. I usually try and spend a few days by myself, working out my feelings and then I swear once I've worked it out the next day or two I get my period, and a whole new cycle starts.
This explains my "joy of menses," somewhat. |