Anti-league - the cayenne powder thing may have some scientific backing in that capsaicin (found in chilli peppers) is thought to increase apoptosis (cell death) in prostate, pacreatic and lung cancer cells*. It is conceievable that a cell inhabited by rapidly dividing organisms (bacterial or viral) may also apoptose, perhaps slowing the rate of bacteria/virus replication**.
I gargle a shot of whisky vodka or rum for about 30 second every night before bed when I'm ill, under the hope that it may help sterilise things a little. Much as above, I'd like to believe that infected cells are more fragile, and thus more likely to be critically damaged by the alcohol, though in practical terms it's probably just being able to get to sleep rather than laying in bed coughing all night which makes the disease seem to pass quicker.
As far as I'm aware though alcohol, whilst providing symptomatic relief, is an immunosuppressant, so may make your illness itself last longer (maybe don't swallow it?). And I know doctors who refuse to take anything unless they absolutely have to, on the basis that what you suffer from (temperature, swellings etc) is the symptoms of the immune reaction, not the micro-organism/virus itself, so anything which reduces your symptoms may actually hinder your immune systems workings. They've also told me that cough medicines etc are a complete rip off, and that anything with buckets of sugar and a bit of alcohol mixed in is just as good at relieving the symptoms.
*However eating chillis is also a risk factor for stomach cancer, so don't go mad with them for health reasons.
** I haven't yet had time to read the papers in question, as I'd first have to brush up on my apoptosis pathway knowledge, as it's hideously complicated, so it's almost pure conjecture... |