See, for me all these reptiles and insects and sea creatures (what's your first one, Proisnias? Some sort of... transparent octopus-like thing?) are beautiful and awesome and cool, but weird mammals are somehow much, much more grotesque and scarier and freakier. Maybe it's because the sea creatures, insects etc are entirely alien, but the mammals (especially some of the odder primates... as well as lorises, tarsiers and aye-ayes are things you really wouldn't want to encounter if they were much bigger) are that bit more like us and the "normal" animals that are familiar to us...
Then again, maybe if we grew up with lorises and solenodons as household pets, perhaps cats and dogs would be seen as really freaky (Darren Naish has a good article on why rabbits are among the freakiest of all mammals)...
Tried to find a pic of a moss covered sloth, best i could find were these:

They're not primates, or particularly huge (tho there were extinct giant ground sloths which got up to elephant size), but as the second pic shows, they do have sort-of-human-ish looking faces (with the right imagination)... |