Marvel's all super-dad adult and sculpted bigguy... and Mary's still a little kid. Cuts some of her empowerment out, I'd think, and I can't imagine what you get in exchange except another terminal keep-her-a-child as we see with most female versions of male heroes.
Keep in mind that Smith is trying to be a bit more traditionalist in his approach to the Marvels, and Mary was young in both her forms in the Golden Age, even if she was a bit older than Smith has the kids. This means, on one level, the sexist connotation continues, but there's also the potential -- which I think is quite powerful -- to play the two Marvels as being two different forms of childhood wish fulfillment.
Billy gets to be the Big Adult Man, he gets to play house & be the dad. Mary possibly feels more empowered as she actually is (from the bits I've seen, she seems to be a pretty scrappy, mouthy little kid, and we don't know how she's been brought up in comparison to Billy's neglected, preyed upon street kidness) so she gets the other kind of fulfillment -- she gets to have power and magical adventure without sublimating her own identity in a Bigger Marvel.
At least, that's how I hope he'll play it, and I'm reasonably confident in Smith's ability to generate well-rounded female characters. I'm really looking forward to Mary's arrival because she look so fun. |